Flaviene LANNA

ATER qualification in sociology

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1. Roles and mission

            Flaviene Lanna holds a PhD in socio-economics of development from the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in 2021, where she also obtained a Master 2 in social sciences, and a law degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil.

For almost five years, she was in charge of studies, then research, at the Groupement d'intérêt scientifique sur les cancers d'origine professionnelle en Seine-Saint-Denis (Giscop93), at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord.

Since September 2023, she has held the position of temporary teaching and research associate (ATER) in sociology at the UFR STAPS at the University of Montpellier.

2. Research topics

            Articulating the sociology of work, industrial relations and law through a socio-historical approach to French and Brazilian realities, Flaviene Lanna conducts research into transformations in the world of work, forms of domination and resistance, and the construction of social inequalities in occupational health in a globalized world.

3. Keywords

Work, occupational health, social classes, social inequalities, qualitative methodologies.

4. Teaching themes

  • General sociology (including construction of social norms, deviance, prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination).
  • Qualitative research methods in the social sciences.
  • The role of work in social inequalities in health.
  • Occupational cancers.
  • History of sport and the working world.
  • Anthropology of the body.

5. Main publications

Project management :

Maxime Quijoux, Flaviene Lanna, Raúl, Matta Julien Rebotier, Gildas de Séchelles (dir.), 2011. Cultures et inégalités: enquêtes sur les dimensions culturelles des rapports sociaux, Paris, L'Harmattan.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

Flaviene Lanna, 2019. "À propos du chantage 'droits ou emploi', focus sur le Brésil," Délibérée, no. 8, pp. 61-66.

Flaviene Lanna, 2013. "Du travailleur au malade: retour sur la reconstitution du parcours professionnel de patients atteints de cancer en Seine-Saint-Denis," Nouvelle Revue du Travail, no. 2.

Book chapters:

Flaviene Lanna, 2021. "Do chão de fábrica aos tribunais, da etnografia à análise de processos judiciais: documentar a definição do tempo de trabalho", in Pablo Almada and Elizardo Scarpati Costa (org.), Trabalho e pluralidade epistemológica, Curitiba, Editora CRV, pp. 127-146.

Flaviene Lanna, 2016. "Nerves of steel: resilience and resistance in a Brazilian steel industry," in José Calderon, Lise Demailly, Séverin Muller (coord.), Aux marges du travail, Toulouse, Éditions Octarès, pp. 135-144.

Flaviene Lanna and Équipe Giscop93, 2012. "Les cancers professionnels : l'épreuve des parcours professionnels exposés aux cancérogènes", in Annie Thébaud-Mony, Véronique Daubas-Letourneux, Nathalie Frigul, Paul Jobin (dir.), Santé au travail : approches critiques, Paris, La Découverte, pp. 217-237.

Flaviene Lanna, 2011. "Culture paternaliste et légitimation de la domination dans une coopérative au Brésil", in Maxime Quijoux, Flaviene Lanna, Raúl, Matta Julien Rebotier, Gildas de Séchelles (dir.). Cultures et inégalités: enquêtes sur les dimensions culturelles des rapports sociaux, Paris, L'Harmattan, pp. 99-118.


Qualification: ATER in sports management


Business telephone (lab): None at present

Cell phone: 06 49 84 80 42

1. Roles and mission

            As a Temporary Research and Teaching Assistant, my main role this year is to ensure my 192-hour teaching service, divided between the various subjects listed below. From a research point of view, I'd like to continue the research I started this year during my 8 months in Vietnam, and why not launch new projects in line with the Santesih laboratory's themes, such as ultrasports tourism.

2. Research topics

            My research focuses on the development of e-sports practices within a truly globalized industry. As such, esport is my main field of study, and my work lies at the crossroads of several scientific disciplines, including strategic management, sociology, and the history and economics of sports and esports organizations. In line with the highly volatile and globalized nature of the esport market, my work has an international dimension, with a strong focus on the European and Asian continents. In particular, it focuses on the following areas:

- (i) Analysis of the sporting strategies of traditional sports players (i.e. clubs, federations, the Olympic movement, motor sport stakeholders, professional athletes, universities, local authorities).

- (ii) Analysis of the strategic development of endemic esport players (i.e. clubs and players).

- (iii) Analysis of the career paths of professional sportsmen and women.

3. Keywords

            Esport, strategic management, socio-history, economics, Europe, Asia

4. Teaching themes

            Economic, sociological and historical aspects of sports tourism, sociology of physical and sports activities, sports history, sports anthropology, tourism and sports leisure market, project design, management and management, survey methods, quality in sports tourism services and dissertation follow-up.

5. Your top 5 publications

  • Magazine articles :
    • Lefebvre, F., Djaballah, M., & Chanavat N. (2020). The deployment of professional soccer clubs' eSports strategies: a dynamic capabilities approach. European Sport Management Quarterly, p. 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2020.1856165.
  • Book chapters :
    • Lefebvre, F., & Thang, P.V. (accepted, 2023). The management of professional esports teams on League of Legends in Vietnam. In Gilardi, F., & Martin, P. Esports in the Asia-Pacific - Governance, Labour, Identity. Palgrave MacMillan Editions.
    • Lefebvre, F., & Besombes, N. (2021). The Olympic Games in the face of esport integration: Analysis of the perception of sport and esport stakeholders. In N. Chanavat, A. Waquet, & A. Richard, The challenges of Olympism, between heritage and innovation. Historical, social and managerial approaches to the Olympic movement (Preface by Thomas Bach and Denis Masseglia). (Editions de l'INSEP).
  • Popular science article:
    • Lefebvre. F. (2022). Gran Turismo Sport at OVS: what about the Olympic charter? LEVEL 256 - Paris & Co.
  • Research report:
    • Lefebvre, F. (2018). Analysis of the perception of spectators of sports and esports events faced with the potential arrival of esport at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Grant from the Centre d'Études Olympiques Français (CEOF) of the French National Olympic Academy (ANOF). 2018 edition of the research program.

6. More detailed personal presentation page OPTIONAL Personal website: https: //