
Status : Professor

Specialization: Sociology of sport and adapted physical activities, Sociology of disability


Roles and missions :

Teacher at Santesih

Currently on secondment to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland:

Research topics :
  • Staging the deficient body in images and social representations of disabled people
  • Integration through sport and the destigmatization process
  • Evolving concepts and classifications of disability
  • Visual approaches in the social sciences
Key words :

Body, Sport, Images, Social representations, Social integration, Classification, Social environments

Main products :
  • GAZZAC, LE ROUX N., MARCELLINI A. (forthcoming). La participation sociale à l'Association des Paralysés de France : participation occupationnelle ou participation aux décisions ? Revue ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research.
  • MARCELLINI A. (2020). Epistemological commentary on an interdisciplinary approach to the fitted amputee body, Revue ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research,14, 48-52.
  • MARCELLINI A. (2019). Production, re-production and deconstruction of disability and normality in late modernity, in Tabin J.P., Piecek M., Perrin C., Probst I. (eds.) Repenser la normalité. Perspectives critiques sur le handicap, Editions Le Bord de l'eau.
  •   MARCELLINI A., VIDAL M., FEREZ S., DE LESELEUC E. (2019). The fastest thing without legs, in Andrieu B. (ed.) (2019). Ethique du sport. Morale sportive, performance, agentivité, Paris: Vrin.
  • BANCEL N., CORNATON J., MARCELLINI A. (eds.) (2019). Being Disabled, Becoming a Champion, Routledge, ISBN: 978-0-367-18653-.
  • BANCEL N., CORNATON J., MARCELLINI A. (dir.) (2018). Be disabled, becoming champion, Special issue, Sport in Society. Cultures, Commerce, media, Politics, 21, 4. ISSN 1743-0437 (print) & 1743-0445 (online).
  • MARCELLINI A. & PACCAUD L. (dir.) (2018). Seventh Alter Conference, Lausanne, 2017. Disability, Recognition and "Community living". Diversity of practices and plurality of values, Revue Alter, European Journal of Disability Research, special issue, 2, 2018.
  •  MARCELLINI A. (2018). "On se voit, Bonjour, Bonsoir..." Young athletes with intellectual disabilities give their views on social integration, in Sebag J., Durand J.P., Louveau C., Queirolo Palma L., Stgi L. (eds.) Sociologie visuelle et filmique. Le point de vue dans la vie quotidienne, Genova University Press, Ebook, ISBN: 978-88-97752-97-4, pp. 217-225.
  • LANTZ E. & MARCELLINI A. (2018). Sport games for people with intellectual disabilities. Institutional analysis of an unusual international configuration, Sport in Society, 21, 4, April 2018, pp. 635-648.
  • BANCEL N., CORNATON J., MARCELLINI A. (2018). From the making of Paralympic champions to justification of the bio-technical improvement of man. The ideology of progress in action, Sport in Society, 21, 4, April 2018, pp. 587-590.
  •  MARCELLINI A. (2018). Extraordinary developments in disability sports. What does all this mean? Revue ALTER, European journal of disability research, 2.
  • MARCELLINI A. & PACCAUD L. (2018). Editorial Special issue: Seventh Alter Conference, Lausanne, 2017. Disability, Recognition and "Community living". Diversity of practices and plurality of values, Revue ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research, 2.
  • LANTZ E. & MARCELLINI A. (dir.) (2017). Pratiques sportives et handicap : de la transformation à la mise en scène des corps différents / Disability and Sports: The transformation and staging of different bodies, Special issue - Revue Développement humain, handicap et changement social - Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social change, Quebec, DS . RIPPH. ISSN 1499-5549.
  • MARCELLINI A. (2017). Disability at university: institutionalization, dilemmas and issues. Towards a Franco-Quebec research. Réflexion sur le travail de reconnaissance de nouvelles populations étudiantes et sur les handicaps dits dits "non visibles", NRAS, 77, pp. 131-138.
  • MARCELLINI A. (2013) Des " handicapés bioniques " aux USA, in Andrieu B. (dir.) Corps au monde, Paris, Armand Colin, pp.182-185.
  • MARCELLINI A., COURROUY-MICHEL M.C., NGO M.A. (2013). La scission (1972-1977) : Les " années FFOHP ", in Ruffié S. & Ferez S. (dir.) Corps, Sport, Handicaps. L'institutionnalisation du mouvement Handisport, 1954-2008, Paris, Téraèdre, pp. 91-.105.
  • MARCELLINI A., DE LESELEUC E., LEBEL E. (2013). Press photographs of disabled athletes. De l'analyse d'une " image -objet " à quelques réflexions sur sa réception, in J.F. Diana (Dir.) Sport et écritures, Coll. Série actes, DS. Question de communication, pp. 241-251.
  • MARCELLINI A. (2012). French perspectives on the Media and Paralympics, in O. Schantz and K. Gilbert (eds). Heroes or Zero's: The media's portrayal of paralympic sport, pp. 95-103.
  • MARCELLINI A. (2012). A propos de quelques mises en scène du corps " handicapé " dans des images de propagande et des images artistiques, in Korf-Sausse S. (dir.) (2012). Art et Handicap, Paris Erès, pp. 91-105.
  • MARCELLINI A. & CHOPINAUD M. (2012). Eligibilité et catégorisation des athlètes déficients intellectuels : enjeux et logiques d'une intégration aux jeux paralympiques, in Compte R. & Bui-Xuan G., Sport adapté, handicap et santé, Montpellier, FFSA-AFRAPS, pp. 216-225.
  • MARCELLINI A., FEREZ S., ISSANCHOU D., DE LESELEUC E., MCNAMEE M. (2012). Challenging human and sporting boundaries: the case of Oscar Pistorius, Performance Enhancement & Health, 1, 3-9.
  • MIKULOVIC J., MARCELLINI A. et al. (2011). Prevalence of overweight in adolescents with intellectual deficiency. Differences in socio-educative context, physical activity, and dietary habits, Appetite, 56, 403-407.
  • MARCELLINI A., VIDAL M., FEREZ S., DE LESELEUC E. (2010). "The fastest thing without legs". Oscar Pistorius ou la mise en spectacle des frontières de l'humain," Revue Politix, 23, 90, 139-165.
Teaching topics :
  • Sociology of associations in the sports and health sector
  • Images of the disabled body and society
  • Research methodology

Specialty: Sociology, sociohistory
Tel (professional): 04 11 75 90 88
E-mail: sylvain.ferez(at)

Role and mission :

Sylvain Ferez has been director of the SANTESIH laboratory since 2015 and deputy director of the "education" scientific department at the University of Montpellier since 2017. Within SANTESIH, he has been leading two research programs for the past ten years, focusing on the socio-historical issues of sport for disabled people and the impact of HIV-positive diagnosis on access to physical and sporting activities. As part of these programs, he is also leading several comparative studies between mainland France and Guadeloupe.

Research topics :

- Living with HIV, relationship with the body and access to physical and sporting activities for people living with HIV;
- Disability, health, associative and collective mobilizations;
- Gender, sexuality and discrimination in physical and sporting activities;

Key words :

Physical activities and sports, health, disability, HIV, gender, sexuality.

Main products :
 - Works and directions :

- L. Solini, J. Yeghicheyan, S. Ferez (2019). Prisons. Usages et appropriations des espaces carcéraux. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, Coll. Locus Solus.
- S. Ferez (2016). La Corporation critique. Gestion physique et mobilisation sportive des marges. Paris: L'Harmattan, Coll. Mouvements des savoirs.
- S. Ferez & S. Ruffié (2015). Le Corps de la honte. Sociohistoire de la prise en charge du VIH-sida en Guadeloupe. Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy, Coll. Epistémologie du corps.
- S. Ruffié & S. Ferez (2013). Corps, sport, handicaps (1) : L'institutionnalisation du mouvement handisport (1954-2008). Paris: Téraèdre, Coll. Passage aux actes.
- S. Ferez & J. Thomas (2012). VIH & Sport : un corps sous contrainte médicale. Paris: Téraèdre, Coll. Passage aux actes.
- S. Ferez (2008). Le Corps homosexuel en-jeu. Sociologie du sport gay et lesbien. Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy, Coll. Epistémologie du corps.
- S. Ferez (2007). Le Corps déstabilisé. The work of Claude Pujade-Renaud. Paris: L'Harmattan, Coll. Le corps en question.
- A., Elling & S. Ferez (2007). Fitnesscentra als vluchtige gemeenschappen. Nieuwegein: Arko Sports Media.
- S. Ferez (2005). Mensonge et vérité des corps en mouvement. The work of Claude Pujade-Renaud. Paris: L'Harmattan, Coll. Espaces et temps du sport.

 - Main articles published in recent years:

•    S. Ferez, Y. Moralès, C. Erard (2019, in press). Naissance d’une approche critique du sport et du corps. Le rôle de Michel Bernard (1927-2015) dans le « moment 68 » de l’éducation physique. STAPS.
•    R. Richard, A. Marcellini, A. S. Pappous, H. Joncheray, S. Ferez (2019). Construire et assurer l’héritage des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques. Pour une inclusion sportive durable des personnes vivant des situations de handicap. Movement & Sport Sciences/Science & Motricité, Published online : 27 Septembre 2019 [].
•    Y. Moralès, Y. Travaillot, S. Ferez (2019). Le GREC (1968-1976), une contestation « par corps » de la formation des enseignants d’éducation physique et sportive. Sciences Sociales et Sport, 13, 57-84.
•    A. Bergamaschi, F. D’Arripe-Longueville, L. Liora Gray, S. Colson, C. Goujard, S. Ferez, I. Rouanet, J. Durant, E. Rosenthal, C. Pradier, M. Duracinsky, L. Schuft (2019). Perceived HIV-related physical fatigue, sociodemographic characteristics and physical activity: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(11-12), 2147-2156.
•    L. Schuft, E. Duval, J. Thomas, S. Ferez (2018). « To be or not to be sick and tired ». Managing the visibility of HIV and HIV-related fatigue. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 22(4), 317-336.
•    S. Ferez, S. Ruffié, S. Héas (2018). Recognizing geographic and cultural alterity through sport? Institutionalizing the Arctic Games (1967-2004). Diagoras: International Academic Journal on Olympic Studies, 2, 11-34. [] •    S. Ferez & E. Perera (2018). “To those who say that I am ill, I invite them to come and train with me.” Becoming a bodybuilder in the face of HIV. STAPS, 119, 95-116.
•    S. Ferez, S. Ruffié, S. Héas (2018). Sports and « Minorities »: Negotiating the Olympic Model. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 12(2), 177-193.
•    D. Issanchou, S. Ferez, E. de Léséleuc (2018). Technology at the service of natural performance: cross analysis of the Oscar Pistorius and Caster Semenya cases. Sport in Society, 21(4), 689-704.
•    S. Ferez, S. Ruffié, D. Issanchou, J. Cornaton (2018). The manager, the doctor and the technician. Political recognition and institutionalization of sport for the physically disabled in France (1968-1973). Sport in Society, 21(4), 622–634.
•    J. Cornaton, A. Schweizer, S. Ferez, N. Bancel (2018). The divisive origins of sports for physically disabled people in Switzerland (1956-1968). Sport in Society, 21(4), 591-609.
•    M. Perez, S. Ferez, S. Héas (2017). L’infection au VIH à l’ère de la maladie chronique : Les avatars du retour des refoulés de la mort et de la sexualité. SociologieS. Mis en ligne le 13 novembre 2017 [].
•    M. Perez & S. Ferez (2017). Sport et VIH-sida : de l’exclusion des séropositifs à l’accompagnement des « malades ». Sciences de la société, 101, 92-111.
•    S. Ferez & L. Solini (2017). Sports et politiques publiques. De la réciproque des relations ?. Sciences Sociales et Sport, 10, 13-19.
•    S. Ferez, S. Ruffié, N. Bancel (2016). From Sport as an instrument in Rehabilitation to the adoption of Competitive Sport: Genesis of a Delegatee Sports Federation in France for those with Physical Disabilities (1954-1972). Sport History Review, 47(2), 146-171.
•    A. Marcellini, E. Perera, A. Rodhain, S. Ferez (2016). Rapport au corps et engagement dans les activités physiques chez les personnes touchées par l’obésité. Comment penser les « histoires de corps » individuelles dans une « société obésogène » ?. Santé Publique, HS(S1). 117-125.
•    E. Duval, S. Ferez, J. Thomas, L. Schuft (2016). « Devenir » malade chronique par l’activité physique : le rôle des associations VIH. Santé Publique, HS(S1). 89-100.
•    G. Villoing, S. Ruffié, S. Ferez, S. (2016). Care en milieu postcolonial : émancipation et revendication identitaire des personnes handicapées en Guadeloupe. ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research, 10, 54-66.
•    S. Ferez, J. Thomas, S. Ruffié (2015). De l’auto-organisation des mutilés de guerre à la structuration d’une Fédération sportive pour handicapés physiques : la spécificité de la France (1954-1972). European Studies in Sports History, 8, 121-148.
•    S. Ruffié, S. Ferez, E. Lantz (2014). From the Institutionalization of “all disabilities” to Comprehensive Sports Integration: The Enrolment of France in the Paralympic Movement (1954-2012). The International Journal of the History of Sport, 31(17), 2245-2265.
•    S. Ferez, E. Duval, S. Héas, P. Fougeyrollas (2014). Continuer à s’engager dans des loisirs après avoir été infecté au VIH : entre quête de normalité et prescription sociale ?. Loisir & Société/Leisure and Society, 37(2), 205-223.
•    S. Ruffié, S. Ferez, E. Lantz (2014). From the Institutionalization of “all disabilities” to Comprehensive Sports Integration: The Enrolment of France in the Paralympic Movement (1954-2012). The International Journal of the History of Sport, 31(17), 2245-2265.
•    J. Thomas, E. Duval, S. Ferez (2014). La perception de l’activité physique comme mode de prise de charge du VIH : effets de la visibilité du corps sur les stratégies de gestion d’une  maladie chronique. Movement & Sport Sciences/Science & Motricité, 84, 99-110.
•    S. Ferez (2012). From Women’s Exclusion to Gender Institution: A Brief History of the Sexual Categorization Process within Sport. The International Journal of the History of Sport, vol. 29, n° 2, 272-285.

Teaching topics :

- Sociology and history of sport
- Sociology and anthropology of health and disability
- Social science research methods


Tel: 04 11 75 90 91

Role and tasks :
  • Head of Sport Management Department
  • Master in Sports Tourism Services Management
  • Head of D.U. Mobility + Professionalization 
  • Relais-handicap Teacher (STAPS)
  • Member of 3SLF (Société de Sociologie du Sport de Langue Française)
  • Member of the Société Francophone de Philosophie du Sport
  • Treasurer Association Corps et Culture
  • President Association Contact (association of PhD students and doctors from the Montpellier Academy)
  • Secretary, Atelier de rencontres et de recherches comparatives en ethnologie de Montpellier (ARCE)
Research topics :

Bodies, sport, disability.
My research activity falls within the field of social sciences. My work examines the body and its transformations, and raises questions about what is acceptable: bodies halfway between man and machine, technicized bodies or artificially augmented bodies.

Key words :

Asceticism, domination, body transformation, hyper-conformity, deviance.

Main publications:
Book :
  • 2017, Perera, E., Emprise de poids, Une initiation au body-building, L'Harmattan, coll. " Mouvement des Savoirs ".
Collective work :
  • 2020Issanchou D. & Perera E.,Corps, Sport et Handicaps. Expériences et expérimentation sociales de la technologie(Tome 3), L'harmattan, coll. "Téraèdre", 208 p. - Preface by FrédéricReichhart
  • 2020 Beldame Y. & Perera E.In Situ: repousser les frontières de l'enquête de terrain. L'Harmattan, coll. "Mouvement des Savoirs", 302 p.-Preface by SylvainFerez -Postfaceby LoïcWacquant
  • 2016, Perera, E., Beldame Y, (dir.) In Situ: interactions, situations et récits d'enquête. L'Harmattan, coll. "Mouvement des Savoirs", 302 p.
Magazine issue

2018 Perera E. & Gleyse J. (dir.) Body-building et corps, STAPS review n°119.

Articles :
  • 2020 Perera E., Villoing G. and Galy A." L'inventivité des alpinistes en fauteuil tout terrain : l'usage de la technologie au service de l'autonomie et de la mise en scène de la différence handi-capable", Nature & Récréation magazine, pp.41-51.
  • 2019 Perera E., Villoing G. and Ruffie S." Devenir pilote handiski : valoriser la lenteur pour sécuriser l'expérience de glisse handisportive en station de ski", Nature & Récréation magazine, pp. 21- 32.
  • 2019 Richard R., Perera E. & Le Roux N." The bodily experience of disabled athletes. A phenomenological study of powerchair soccer", journal Sport in Society
  • 2019 Perera E. & Villoing G." Adjusting deficiency to nature tourism: the case of a contemporary experience of expeditions using all-terrain wheelchairs (ATW) "Journal of sport and social science.
  • 2018 Ferez S. & Perera E." To those who say that I am ill, I invite them to come and train with me." Becoming a bodybuilder in the face of HIV, STAPS magazine n°119, 95-119.
  • 2018 Perera E. & Gleyse J. Body-building and the mutation of the body in our modern societies, STAPS review n°119, 7-11.
  • 2017 Perera E., Villoing G., Ruffié S. & Gosset S., Le Fauteuil Tout Terrain, une" paire de chaussures de montagne " : expériences corporelles et reconfigurations identitaires, Science & Motricité.
  • 2017 Richard R. & Perera E., Being a Powerchair Soccer Player: Towards a phenomenological approach to disabled sports, Sociology of Sport Journal.
  • 2017, Villoing, G., Perera, E., & Le Roux, N. The institutionalization of off-road wheelchair riding in France (1990-2015): 'truly a sport of sharing and diversity'. Sport in society, 'Be disabled, becoming champion', 1-14(Available here).
  • 2016, Marcellini, A., Perera, E., Rodhain, A., Ferez, S., Rapport au corps et engagement dans les activités physiques chez les personnes touchées par l'obésité, Revue Santé Publique, 28/1.
Book chapters :
    • 2020 Perera E. & Beldame Y.Eprouver les relations in situ.
      Entering into "resonance" with the everyday life of body-builders. In Andrieu B. (dir.)Manuel d'Emersiologie - Apprends le Langage du Corps, Paris, Paperback.
    • 2020 Perera E., Interview with Eric Perera and Patrick Ducros, In Issanchou D. & Perera E. (dir.),Corps, Sport et Handicaps. Expériences et expérimentation sociales de la technologie(Tome 3), L'harmattan, coll. "Téraèdre", pp. 183-199.
    • 2020 Perera E., Beldame Y. and Soulé B., L'accessibilité des domaines skiables aux personnes en situation de handicap: des ressorts associatifs et matériels pour pallier le volontarisme ténu des gestionnaires des stations de montagne, In Issanchou D. & Perera E. (dir.),Corps, Sport et Handicaps. Expériences et expérimentation sociales de la technologie(Tome 3), L'harmattan, coll. "Téraèdre", pp. 145-163.
    • 2020 Issanchou D. & Perera E., Penser les liens entre le handicap et la technologie... In Issanchou D. & Perera E. (dir.),Corps, Sport et Handicaps. Expériences et expérimentation sociales de la technologie(Tome 3), L'harmattan, coll. "Téraèdre", pp. 15- 29.
    • 2019 Perera E. & Beldame Y (in press) Le Je des émotions in situ : Chuter en handiski et rendre visible l'ordre social.InHéas Stéphane at Presses Universitéaires de Rennes
    • 2018 Richard A., & Perera E. (2018) Pesquisador de emoçoes : una experiência in situ em ciências humanas e sociais, In Lima Neto A. A., Dantas Da Silva L. L. & Nascimento Santiago M.B. (dir.)Filosofia, Educaçao e Subjetividades: otros sentidos para o educativo, Editora LiberArs, pp 191-198.
    • 2018 Cholley-Gomez M., & Perera E., Body-building, In Andrieu B. & Boëtsch, G. (dir.)Le dictionnaire du corps, CNRS Editions, coll. " Biblis " Paris, pp 83-87.
    • 2018 Richard R., & Perera E., Foot-Fauteuil, In Andrieu B. & Boëtsch, G. (dir.)Le dictionnaire du corps, CNRS Editions, coll. " Biblis " Paris, pp 226-229.
    • 2018 Perera E. & Cholley-Gomez M., "No pain no gain": the puritan ethic in bodybuilding. In Andrieu B., Parry J., Porrovecchio A. & Sirost O. (dir.)Body ecology and emersive leisure, collection Ethics and Sport,DS. Routledge, Great Britain, pp 190-202.
    • 2017 Perera E. Doping as hyperconformity to group norms, In Coste O., Noger K., Liotard P. and Andrieu . (dir.)Doping. Comprendre et prévenir, Issy-les- Moulineaux, Elsevier Masson, Collection Sport, pp 39-40.
    • 2017 Cholley-Gomez M., & Perera E., Culturisme et dopage: satisfaire les critères du groupe, In Coste O., Noger K., Liotard P. and Andrieu . (dir.)Dopage. Comprendre et prévenir, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Elsevier Masson, Collection Sport, pp 7-13.
    • 2016 Beldame Y, Perera, E., Enquêterin situ, inIn Situ :interactions, situations et récits d'enquête.L'Harmattan, coll. "Mouvement des Savoirs",pp 17-25.
    • 2016Beldame Y, Perera M. and Perera, E., In discussion with Rénato Rosaldo (Postface 1- translation)inIn Situ :interactions, situations et récits d'enquête.L'Harmattan, coll. " Mouvement des Savoirs ", pp 211-237.
    • 2016, Richard, A., Perera, E., and Fauré, L. Chercheur d'émotions: Une expérience in situ en SHS, in Quel corps demain, Corps n°14, CNRS Editions.

E-mail: robin.recours(at)

Role and mission :

Lecturer - Habilité à diriger des Recherches (Maître de Conférences HDR) in STAPS, Human and Social Sciences
Responsible for Licence 1.

Research topics :
  • Popular cultures: Sports, Music, Video games
  • Adolescence
  • Imaginaires
Key words :

Culture, Adolescence, Sport.

Main products :
Articles :
  • Lassalle, G., Recours, R., & Griffet, J. (in press). Role of Family Members in Sport Motivation, Involvement and Expertise of Track and Field Athletes in France. Journal of Comparative Family Studies.
  • Riffaud, T., Recours, R., & Gibout, C. (2015). Sports et Arts de rue: être citadins autrement. Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, 39(1), 1-13.
  • Recours, R., Aussaguel, F., & Trujillo, N. (2009). Metal Music and Mental Health in France. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry,33 (3), 473-488.
Book chapters :
  • Recours, R. (2015). Myopia and Presbyopia in the sports business, in Lapeyronie & Roussel: Management & Marketing territorial des sports. Dardilly: Les Éditions de Bionnay, pp.62-71.
  • Recours, R. (2013). "You can fly. You belong to the sky." Le Rêve de Vol comme Motivation dans la Pratique des Sports d'Hiver, in Monneyron F. (dir.) : Sport et Imaginaire. Montpellier: Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée.
Teaching topics :
  • Anthropology of the body and sport
  • Communication

Specialty: STAPS - Sociology

Tel (professional): 04 11 75 90 96

E-mail: nathalie.le-roux(at)

Role and mission :
Research theme(s) :
  • Trajectories of access to employment and careers and, more recently, a study of the employment pathways of disabled former students.
  • Public policies for training and employment of disabled people
  • Public policy and work/leisure/sport/tourism for disabled people
Main products :
Articles :
  • SEGON M., BRISSET L., LE ROUX N.. (2017), Des aménagements satisfaisants mais insuffisants? L'expérience contrariée de la compensation du handicap à l'Université. Nouvelle Revue de l'Adaptation et de la Scolarisation, 77, 117-129.
  • VILLOING, G., PERERA, E., & LE ROUX, N. (2017), The institutionalization of off-road wheelchair riding in France (1990-2015): 'truly a sport of sharing and diversity'. Sport in society, 'Be disabled, becoming champion', 1-14.
  • SEGON, M., LE ROUX N., (2015). Travailler moins pour travailler plus longtemps : (dé)limitations des possibles et rapports à la vie professionnelle des jeunes handicapés sortant de l'enseignement supérieur, Agora Débats/Jeunesses, n°71,
  • SEGON, M., LE ROUX, N., BANENS, M, CHAMPELY, S. (2014) "Quelles données statistiques peuvent exploiter pour mesurer les parcours d'entrée dans la vie active des jeunes étudiants handicapés?", Revue française des affaires sociales 1/ 2014 (n° 1-2), pp. 216-237.
  • SEGON, M., LE ROUX N., (2013). Parcours de formation et d'accès à l'emploi des anciens étudiants handicapés : formes de recours aux dispositifs et dynamiques identitaires, Agora Débats/Jeunesses, n°65.
  • DE LESELEUC E., LE ROUX N., MARCELLINI A. (2012), Pratique sportive, visibilité et intégration sociale des personnes handicapées, ANDULI, 11, 71-85.
  • LE ROUX N., MARCELLINI A., (2011), L'insertion professionnelle des étudiants handicapés en France. Revue de questions et axes de recherche. ALTER, 5, n°4, 281-296.
  • MELQUIOND V., LE ROUX N. (2008), La diversification de l'offre de formation professionnelle aux métiers du sport : quelles positions des partenaires sociaux ?, Revue Européenne de Management du Sport, 21.
  • BANENS M., MARCELLINI A., LE ROUX N., FOURNIER S., MENDES-LEITE R., THIERS-VIDAL L. (2007), L'accès à la vie de couple des personnes vivant avec un problème de santé : une analyse démographique et sociologique, Revue française des Affaires Sociales, 2, 57-82.
Book chapters :
  • BRISSET L., BLAHO-PONCE C., LE ROUX N., (forthcoming 2019), Instrumentation d'une politique départementale d'aménagement touristique pour les personnes handicapées: le cas d'Hérault Mobility. In Issanchou D. et Perera E. (dir), Les innovations technologiques pour le sport handicapé. Paris : Téraèdre
  • LE ROUX, N., HAYE, L., PERERA, E., (2013), " Les innovations technologiques pour le ski handisport et l'accès à la pratique : sport de compétition, sport loisir, sport familial, tourisme sportif ", in Marcellini, A., Villoing, G. (dir), Corps, Sport, Handicaps : le mouvement handisport au XXIe siècle - Lectures sociologiques, Paris : Téraèdre.
  • LE ROUX, N., COURROUY-MICHEL, M.C., DUVAL, E. (2013), Diffusion d'un modèle national au niveau local : l'exemple du Club handisport de Montpellier (1969-1985), in Ruffié, S., Ferez, S. (dir), Corps, Sport, Handicaps : L'institutionnalisation du mouvement handisport (1954-2008), Paris : Téraèdre. pp117-131.
  • LEROUX N., HASCHAR-NOE N., LE ROUX N., GOJARD L. (2010) Rapport au travail et rapport à l'emploi des sortant de la filière STAPS, in Léa Lima and Philippe Mossé (eds), Le sport comme métier? Les STAPS des études à l'emploi, Octarès, 83-100.
  • LE ROUX N., AGUETTANT N., (2006), L'emploi sportif en France et ses évolutions : quel état des lieux et suivi régulier possible à partir des statistiques publiques, in Augustin J.P. (coord.), La transition professionnelle vers les métiers de l'animation et du sport, La Documentation Française, Paris (pp. 147-165).
  • LE ROUX N. (2006), Évolution des connaissances et perspectives de recherche sur l'emploi et la professionnalisation dans le secteur du sport, in (Bouchet P., Pigeassou C., coord.), Management du sport, actualités, développement et orientations de la recherche, AFRAPS, Montpellier. (pp 113-141).
Teaching topics :
  • Sociology of organizations
  • Human resources management
  • Applied research methodology

E-mail: remi.richard(at)

Role and mission :

After defending his doctoral thesis in 2013 on the sporting experience of the disabled body, Rémi Richard was recruited in 2015 to the STAPS UFR at the University of Montpellier. He is in charge of the 2 PESAP masters program "Prevention, Health Education and Physical Activity".

Research topics :
  • Sociology of disability
  • Sociology of gender
  • Disability and technology
Main publications:
Book :
  • Richard R. (2017). Being an armchair footballer. Approche socio-phénoménologique du corps en situation de handicap. L'Harmattan, Mouvements des Savoirs.
Articles :
  • Richard R., Andrieu B. (2019) The Cybathlon experience: Beyond transhumanism to capability hybridization. Journal for the philosophy of sport. Doi: 10.1080/00948705.2018.1561297
  • Richard R., Ferez S., Issanchou D. (2018) From the Pistorius case to Cybathlon: compensating for disability or augmenting the human? Actualités en MPR.
  • Richard R., André J. (2017). Cyborg or/and "handi-capable"? The experience of the able-bodied in Cybathlon participants. Recherche & Education, pp.67-79.
  • Dugas E., Joncheray H., Richard R., (2016) Violences, comportements agressifs et activités physiques et sportives. Regards croisés. Revue STAPS n° 112, pp. 9-15.
  • Burlot F., Richard R., Joncheray H., (2016) "The life of high-level athletes: the challenge of high performance against the time constraint" International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
  • Mordomo E., Richard R., Maillot P., (2015) Accessibilité: le point de vue des militants. Jurisasscoiations n° 528, pp. 43-35.
  • Richard, R., Joncheray, H., Dugas, E. (2015) "Disabled sportwomen and gender construction in powerchair soccer" International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
  • Joncheray, H., Level, M., Richard, R., (2014) "Identity Socialization and Construction within the French National Rugby Union Women's Team" International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
  • Richard, R, Joncheray, H (2014) "Bien-être et APS : approche bio-psycho-sociale", in EP&S n°362, August-September-October.
  • Richard, R. (2014) " Vers une nouvelle " capabilité " sportive : l'émergence du foot-fauteuil " Jurisport n°140, pp. 28-29.
  • Richard, R. (2012) " L'expérience sportive du corps en situation de handicap: vers une phénoménologie du fauteuil roulant " Revue STAPS n° 98, pp. 127-142.
  • Richard, R., Dugas, E. (2012), "Le genre en jeu. De la construction du genre dans les interactions en tennis de table" SociologieS.
Book chapters :
  • Richard R., Perera E. (2018). Foot-Fauteuil. In Andrieu B. Boëtch G (DS) Le dictionnaire du corps. CNRS Editions.
  • Richard, R. (2016). From athlete to Cyborg: sport, disability and technologies. In Queval (DS) Du souci de soi au sport augmenté. Presses des Mines, pp. 69-78.
  • Richard, R. (2014) "La globalisation d'une pratique handisport. L'exemple de l'internationalisation du foot-fauteuil et ses réceptions locales " In " Le sport, diffusion globale & pratiques locales ", collection " Local et Global " (éditions L'Harmattan) directed by Gilles Rouet and François Soulages, pp.129-146.
Research report :
  • Joncheray H., Burlot F., Richard R., Besombes N., Dalgalarrondo S., Desenfant M. (2018) Investigation into the preparation conditions of athletes selected for the Rio Paralympic Games (2016). INSEP.
Communications :
  • Richard. R, Ferez S. & Issanchou D. (2018) The Cybathlon; Third kind of Games or Games of a Third kind? International Sociology of Sport Association, World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Beijing, Lausanne.
  • Joncheray, H, Burlot, F & Richard, R. (2018) Socialisations sportives et expériences paralympiques: les "privilégiés" et les "débrouillards" des Jeux de RIO 2016. Congrès de l'Association Francophone de la Recherche en Activités Physiques et Sportives. Rabat, April.
  • Richard R. & Andrieu B. (2018), 'The Cybathlon: transhuman cyborgs or capability hybridization?' Invited speaker, GDRI Colloquium Swansea, UK.
  • Ferez, S., Richard, R. & Issanchou, D. (2017): "De l'affaire Pistorius au Cybathlon: De la compensation à l'homme augmenté". IFRH Scientific Day, Montpellier, France.
  • Richard, R. (2017), Guest speaker, ALEFPA congress, Capacit[er] le corps. Lille.
  • Richard, R, Joncheray, H & Andrieu, B (2015) "Sports, technologies and boundaries of (dis)ability". Congress of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), Santa Fe, United States, November.
  • Besombes, N, Joncheray, H. & Richard, R (2015) Electronic Sport, at the borders of modern sport? Congress of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), Santa Fe, United States, November.
  • Joncheray, H, Richard, R & Besombes, N (2015) The evolution of social cohesion within a high-level rugby union team. Congress of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), Santa Fe, United States, November.
  • Richard, R. (2015) Guest speaker, "Sport et Humanités" seminar: "Sport, Handicap et Humanités". Paris 5, LASCO.
  • Richard, R. & Joncheray, H. (2014) Being a disabled sportswoman. About gender construction in powerchair soccer. International Sociology of Sport Association, World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Beijing, China.
  • Joncheray, H. & Richard, R. (2014) Identity Socialization and Construction within the French National Rugby Union Women's Team. International Sociology of Sport Association, World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Beijing, China.
  • Richard, R. (2013) When research calls in question the body. Am I an "abled person"? 11th European Sociological Association "Crisis, Critique and Change" University of Turin.
  • Richard, R. (2013) Le soccer en fauteuil : vers une nouvelle capabilité sportive " 7th international symposium soccer and research. Different forms of soccer practice and their physical, socio-economic and cultural environments. UFR STAPS Paris Descartes.
  • Richard, R. (2012) L'expérience sportive du corps en situation de handicap: vers une phénoménologie du fauteuil. 5th AFRAPS Biennale, "L'expérience corporelle. Eclairages philosophiques, éthiques et épistémologiques". Nancy Faculty of Sport.
  • Richard, R. (2012) "Les identités du foot-fauteuil face aux enjeux de la globalisation" International colloquium, "Le sport, de sa diffusion globale à ses pratiques locales." UFR STAPS Paris Descartes.
  • Richard, R. (2011). Wheelchair soccer, a (bio)subjectivizing motor experience. SIICLHA 2011 - Séminaire Inter Universitaire International sur la Clinique du Handicap. Université Paris 7.
Teaching topics :
  • General Sociology
  • Sociology of disability, physical activity and gender
  • Research methodology
Other responsibilities :
  • Expert for magazines :
    • Physical Adapted Activity Quarterly
    • International Review for the Sociology of Sport
    • Research & Education
    • STAPS

Status : Senior Lecturer

Specialty: Sociology

Tel (business) :

Role and mission

In October 2012, Laurent Solini defended his doctoral thesis in sociology, focusing on the detention experiences of adolescents incarcerated in juvenile correctional facilities. In September 2013, he was recruited as a lecturer at the University of Montpellier and joined the Santesih laboratory, where he works mainly in the "Prevention, Health Education and Physical Activity" (PESAP) Master's program, as well as in sociology at Bachelor's level.

Scientific and administrative responsibilities

From 2018 to 2020 - Director of the research project "D'une institution de prise en charge à l'autre. Une étude exploratoire des socialisations institutionnelles des mineurs sous main de justice", funded by the Mission de Recherche Droit et Justice.

From 2014 to 2016 - Director of the research project "Fabriquer la prison. Pour une étude des "spatialités" au sein de cinq prisons belges et françaises", subsidized by the Mission de Recherche Droit et Justice.

Since 2020 - Head of the Adapted Physical Activity and Health program at Montpellier's UFR STAPS

Since 2015 - Responsible for sociology in bachelor's degree at the UFR STAPS in Montpellier

Since 2014 - Head of Master 1 "Prevention, Health Education and Physical Activity" attached to the UFR STAPS in Montpellier.

From 2016 to 2018 - Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the UFR STAPS of Montpellier

Research topics

Prison confinement: individual and collective experiences in detention

Penal and prison policies

Prison architecture

The lives of minors in custody

Sociology of juvenile delinquency and youth in working-class neighborhoods

Main publications

Solini L., 2022, ""Libérable". L'expression ordinaire d'une sortie de prison pour mineurs",Ethnologie française, vol. 52, n°1, pp. 199-213

Solini L., Yeghicheyan J., Mennesson C. (dir.), 2022,Les déplacés. Portraits de parcours de jeunes sou main de justice, Nîmes, Champ Social, "Questions de société".

Solini L., Yeghicheyan J., Ferez S. (dir.), 2019,Prisons. Usages et appropriations des espaces carcéraux, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, "Locus Solus".

Solini L., 2017,Faire sa peine à l'Établissement pénitentiaire pour mineurs de Lavaur, Nîmes, Champ Social, "Questions de société" (was the subject of a hearing at the Senate, in the working group "Réinsertion des mineurs enfermés", May 16, 2018)

Solini L., Basson J.-C., 2017, " Sortir de cellule / demeurer en cellule. Une sociologie des expériences paradoxales de la détention en établissement pénitentiaire pour mineurs",Agora débats /Jeunesses, vol. 77, n° 3, pp. 67-79

Jaspart A., Solini L., 2016, ""Promenade". De l'étude d'un quartier mineurs par sa cour",Champ Pénal/Penal field,vol. 13, [http ://]

Solini L., Scheer D., Yeghicheyan J., 2016, "A window to the outside world"? Ecologie de deux espaces carcéraux,Sociologie, vol. 7, n° 3, pp. 225-242, []

Solini L., Basson J.-C., 2012, " L'hyperactivité forcée : un mode de gestion des mineurs incarcérés ",inBodinR. (dir.),Les métamorphoses du contrôle social, Paris, La dispute, " Mouvements de société ", pp. 167-177

Solini L., Neyrand G., Basson J.-C., 2011, " Le surcodage sexué en établissement pénitentiaire pour mineurs. Une socialisation en train de se faire",Déviance et société, Vol. 35, n° 2, pp. 195-215 (featured in issue 232 of Sciences Humaines, December 2011).

Teaching themes

Asylums and prisons

Norm production and power mechanisms

Sociology of education and socialization

Sociology of the popular condition

Social science research methods

E-mail: tendance.montagne(at)

Role and mission :

Associate Professor, UFR STAPS, University of Montpellier :

  • Head of the Master 2 Sport Tourism Management program (MTS)
  • Head of Mobility + Professionalization D.U.
  • Participation in collective research projects:
    • I'm involved in Axis 2 of the Santé Éducation Situations de Handicap laboratory's research program (SantESiH - E.A. 4614): "Dynamics and autonomy, the determinants and organizational logics of collective mobilizations linked to health and disability". More specifically, I'm interested in the accessibility of outdoor sports for disabled people (emergence and implementation of leisure activities such as all-terrain wheelchairs).

Research and publication project :

The All Terrain Wheelchair, a new hope for accessibility to hiking routes for people with motor limitations (anthropological approach). Following the model of the disability production process (RIPPH, Fougeyrollas), I am more interested in the obstacles to participation in this activity (price of the FTT, promotion of the activity, organization of practice sites, offer of supervision...) and how they are overcome by individuals.

Consultant specializing in nature-based sports tourism, and professional coach.
I support and advise SMEs and local authorities in 3 areas:

  • Development training: management, leadership (generations X Y Z), operational marketing, communication, employability and professional integration.
  • Project management; quality management (Qualité Tourisme) ;
  • Certified professional coach: executives & managers: supporting change, developing leadership, rising to a challenge, stress management...
Research theme :
  • Accessibility for all-terrain electrically-assisted wheelchair rides in nature
Main publications:
  • Le Roux, N., Galy, A., Perera, E (2017), L'émergence du Fauteuil Tout Terrain en France entre bricolages et innovations: le rôle des pionniers de l'activité. Carnets du labex ITEM: Actes du colloque " La montagne, territoire d'innovation ", January 2017, Grenoble.
  • Galy, A (2015), part 8, le sport un secteur en voie d'adaptation et d'intégration, in Lapeyronie, B., and Roussel, A. (Dir) Management et marketing territorial des sports, de Bionnay Paris. Pages 195-205.
  • Galy, A (May 2014), The teacher-coach, towards a new paradigm. Pour un plaisir renouvelé d'enseigner. Dissertation for professional coach certification, RNCP Level I, issued by Linkup Coaching.
    Galy, A (2007), Les bases de plein air et de loisirs, le juste équilibre entre loisir et tourisme, in Revue Espace N°249, p 36 à 40.
Teaching topics :
  • Benchmarking in sport, health and tourism: markets, players, products
  • Service design in the sports, health and tourism sectors: an operational approach
  • Project management - operational approach
  • Professionalization coaching. Preparing for professional integration and internships: Professionalization techniques
Other responsibilities :
  • Organization of conferences and study days:
    • Participation in the organization of the International Congress entitled "Quel tourisme sportif? Fabrication d'une expérience contemporaine de l'ailleurs" July 4, 5 and 6, 2018 at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Sud, site Saint Charles 2, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3.

Status: Associate Professor PAST (part-time)

Specialty: Health education and promotion

Tel (professional): 04 11 75 90 95

E-mail: genevieve.le-bihan(at)

Role and mission :

Co-director of the Prevention, Health Education and Physical Activity Master's program (PESAP)

Main products :
  • Le Bihan G. Education nutritionnelle. In: Poulain JP (Dir). Dictionary of food cultures. PUF, 2012 : 430-6
  • Le Bihan G, Padilla M, Ruiz I, Comportements d'achats alimentaires en Languedoc-Roussillon. Baromètre santé nutrition 2008. ORS, Montpellier, 2010 : 12p
  • Le Bihan G, Cribaillet M. Barriers and drivers to the implementation of nutrition interventions among local decision-makers in the south of France. Annals of nutrition and metabolism, 2007;51(suppl 1):309-1
  • Le Bihan G, Delpeuch F. Assurer le droit à se nourrir pour tous. In: Ghersi G (Dir) Feed 9 milliards d'hommes. ADPF, Paris, 2005, 128-13
  • Le Bihan G., Delpeuch F., Maire B. Nutrition and public policy: proposals for a new approach to food issues. Cahier de propositions pour le 21ième siècle. Editions Charles Léopold Mayer, Paris, 2002 : 130 p
Teaching topics :
  • Health education and health promotion: concepts and project methodology
  • Nutritional policies
  • Vulnerability and dietary and physical activity practices


Role and mission :

Associate Professor - PAST

Specialty: anthropology

Role and mission: Ghislaine Gallenga is a senior lecturer in anthropology at the University of Aix Marseille (AMU), and a researcher at the Institut d'ethnologie méditerranéenne européenne et comparative (Idemec UMR 7307 CNRS). She is Director of Studies in the Anthropology Department, elected to the AMU Technical Committee, and a member of the CNRS Scientific Council.

Research areas: For the past twenty years, she has been conducting research in the field of corporate anthropology and the epistemology of anthropology. Specializing in the transformation of public services and the Common, she has carried out research in the fields of transport, energy and universities. In recent years, she has opened up a new field of research in the field of public health services, focusing on the surgical treatment of obesity.

Her fieldwork is mainly in France, but she has also worked in Romania, the United States, Burkina Faso and Tunisia.

Keywords: anthropology - ethnography - epistemology - field - common good - company - public service - obesity - valorization

Main products

She is the author of 70 works and publications, including 13 books or book chapters plus 5 in preparation, 18 book chapters and 28 ACL journal articles.

Works and book direction:

- 2019, "Les services publics, l'État face au commun" (Dir.),Anthropologie et Sociétés, with Caroline Hervé (Dir.), 43-1, 2019.

- 2018, "Neutralité / neutralités : de la notion aux pratiques" (Dir.) with Joseph Cacciari,Terrains/Théories, 9, 2018,

- 2017,Penser le service public en Méditerranée. Le prisme des sciences sociales, with Laure Verdon, (Dir.), Éditions Karthala-MMSH, coll. Ateliers Méditerranéens, 261 p.

- 2016,La " méthode Condo ". Héritages et actualités de l'expérience ethnographique, with Jean-Marc de Grave (Dir.), Paris, Les Indes savantes, 220 p.

- 2016, "Archaeology of Business Anthropology", with Timothy de Waal Malefyt, (Eds),Journal of Business Anthropology, 9, november 2016.

- 2016, "Temporalités et sérendipité", with Gilles Raveneau, (Dir.),Temporalités, 24, December 2016.

- 2016, Business Ethics,Journal of Business Anthropology, with Steven Sampson, Jérôme Soldani, (Eds.), Special issue 3, Spring 2016.

- 2016,Atlas des compétences et des métiers en sciences humaines et sociales, with Émilie Francez, Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, Hors collection, 477 p

- 2015,Une anthropologie de l'éthique entrepreneuriale, with Jérôme Soldani, (Dir.), Paris, Éditions des archives contemporaines, 186 p.

- 2013, "Lectures anthropologiques de l'éthique entrepreneuriale",Moussons, Numéro thématique, with Jérôme Soldani (Dir.), no. 21, June 2013.

- 2012,De la porosité des secteurs public et privé. Une anthropologie du service public en Méditerranée, (Dir.), preface by Dionigi Albera, Aix-en-Provence, Presses universitaires de Provence, coll. Travail et gouvernance, 222 p.

- 2011,Le Feu aux poudres. Une ethnologie de la " modernisation " du service public, Paris, Éditions du CTHS, coll. Le regard de l'ethnologue, n° 25, 303 p.

- 2008, "L'empathie en Anthropologie",Journal des Anthropologues, Numéro thématique, n°114-115 / Gallenga Ghislaine, (Dir.)

Teaching topics:

She teaches from Licence 1 to Master 2 for specialists and non-specialists. She also teaches at the Institut de recherche sur le travail (IRT) in Aix-en-Provence for trade unionists.

Her main courses cover the history and theories of anthropology (B.A.), the epistemology of anthropology (M.A.), the anthropology of business (B.A.) and the anthropology of work (M.A.). Together with her colleagues, she supervises fieldwork training for undergraduates.

E-mail: clementgazza(at)

Role and mission :

Doctorate in STAPS. Thesis carried out with the SanteSih laboratory, under the supervision of Anne Marcellini and the sub-direction of Nathalie Le Roux.

Scientific productions linked to the organization of physical and sports activities at the Association des Paralysés de France, to the decision-making autonomy and empowerment of people with disabilities, and to the involvement of the association's members and users in democratic participation.

Research topics :
  • Access to physical activities and sports for disabled people.
  • Sports policies within associations representing the disabled.
  • Autonomy and participation in decision-making for disabled and/or elderly people.
  • Professional or volunteer support for disabled and/or elderly people.
  • Co-designing technologies with disabled people.
Main products :
Articles :
  • Gazza, C., Pelayo, S., Kovacs, B., Schiro, J., & Marcilly, R. (accepted, forthcoming 2019). Impact of Work Organization on the Technology Use: the Case of Hydration Process with a Connected Glass, Information Technology & Communications in Health.
  • Gazza, C. (2017). Sports in the French Association of the Paralyzed: difficulties in creating and maintaining a consensual policy. AUC Kinanthropologica, 53(1), 35-48.
  • Gazza, C. (2017). Physical and sports activities at the Association des Paralysés de France: an emergence that shakes up the institution. Human development, disability and social change, 23(1), 41-55.
Communications :
  • Gazza, C. (2018). "La pratique sportive à l'Association des Paralysés de France: choisir entre autonomie et participation sociale?". ALTER international conference "Transforming practices and knowledge through the lens of disability: experiences, transmissions, training, organizations", Catholic University of Lille, Lille, July 5-6, 2018.
  • Gazza, C. (2017). "Institutional and academic expectations in action research: transforming divergences into assets for research and for the field". Congrès international de la Société de Sociologie du Sport de Langue Française (3SLF) "Faire la passe et marquer", Université de l'Artois, Arras, June 7-9, 2017.
  • Gazza, C. (2016). "Sport in the French Association of Disabled People: a rising sports policy and the difficulties to reconcile with all points of view". Disability Sport Conference, Coventry University, Coventry, 27th-29th June 2016.
  • Gazza, C. (2016). "Les activités physiques et sportives adaptées à l'Association des Paralysés de France: une participation sociale (auto)-limitée". International symposium "Handicap, inclusion et accessibilité. Approches comparatives dans l'espace francophone", INS HEA, Suresnes, October 24-26, 2016.
Teaching topics :
  • Sociology of sport
  • Sociology of disability
  • Social science methodology

Status : Doctor

Specialization: Sociology of disability

E-mail: elise.lantz(at)

Research theme :

Thesis by PhD : Des marginalités encadrées - Etude des rapports au handicap dans différentes configurations associatives du monde du cirque contemporain français.
Under the supervision of Anne Marcellini, Santesih laboratory (Health, Education and Disability Situations), UFR STAPS Montpellier 1.

Defended on March 20, 2014, before the jury composed of: Marine Cordier, Senior Lecturer, Université de Paris Ouest-Nanterre (examiner); Patrick Fougeyrollas, Professor, Université de Laval, Québec (rapporteur); William Gasparini, University Professor, Université de Strasbourg (examiner); Claire Perrin, Senior Lecturer-HDR, Université de Lyon 1 (rapporteur); Myriam Winance, Research Associate, Inserm-Cermes (examiner).

Doctorate from the University of Montpellier 1 - Obtained with distinction.

Key words :

Disability, Associations, Sports, Culture

Other project :
  • Integrating athletes with intellectual disabilities into the Paralympic movement. Institutional, social and identity-related consequences.
Main products :

Publications :

  • BEDOIN D., LANTZ E., MARCELLINI A. (2015 - forthcoming). "Troubles de l'expression" L'indispensable recours à l'expertise de l'enquêté. In Bedoin D. and Scelles R. (dir.). Entretiens de recherche et handicap : quand la communication est entravée. Editions Erès, Connaissances de la diversité collection.
  • LANTZ E. (2014). Note de lecture on the French translation of "La fabrique des monstres, les Etats-Unis et le freak show 1840-1940" by Robert Bogdan, La vie des idées website.
  • RUFFIE S., FEREZ S., & LANTZ E. (2014). From the Institutionalisation of 'All Disabilities' to Comprehensive Sports Integration: France Joining the Paralympic Movement (1954-2012). The International Journal of the History of Sport, 1-21.
  • MARCELLINI A., LANTZ E. (2014). Paralympic competition and classification. A new conception of sporting equity? In Corps, Sport, Handicaps: le mouvement handisport au XXIe siècle - Lectures sociologiques. Paris, Téraèdre.
  • ISSANCHOU D., LANTZ E., LIOTARD P. (2013). The international dynamic (1977-1989): the gradual imposition of a single sports model for people with disabilities, In Ruffié S. and Ferez S. (dir..). Corps, Sport et handicap (1). L'institutionnalisation du mouvement handisport. Paris, Téraèdre.
  • LANTZ E. (2010). Note de lecture sur l'ouvrage " Les Métamorphoses du handicap de 1970 à nos jours : soi-même avec les autres" by H.J. Stiker, Revue ALTER, Revue européenne de recherche sur le handicap, 4, 2, 152-153.

Conference papers :

  • LANTZ E. (2015) Transformations du corps, continuités et bifurcations dans les trajectoires d'artiste de cirque. Journée d'études " Penser les parcours professionnels dans le monde du cirque ", Centre National des Arts du Cirque de Châlons-en-Champagne, July 9, 2015.
  • LANTZ E. (2015) Des marginalités encadrées. Etude des rapports au handicap du monde du cirque contemporain français. 4th annual conference of Alter (European Society for Disability Research), Interrogating contemporary societies in the light of disability, Paris, 2-3 July 2015.
  • MARCELLINI A., LANTZ E. (2015) Paralympic Games, Global Games and World Games Special Olympics: elements of analysis of a strange international distribution of athletes with intellectual disabilities. 8th international congress 3SLF (Société de sociologie du sport de langue française), Montpellier, June 3-5, 2015.
  • LANTZ E. (2015) Monde du cirque et Institutions médico-sociale ou psychiatrique : connivences et ambivalences. 8th international congress 3SLF (Société de sociologie du sport de langue française), "Le sport face aux institutions, interactions et transformations réciproques", Montpellier, June 3-5, 2015.
  • LANTZ E. (2013) Quelle place pour les corps déficients? Monographie d'une association de cirque contemporain. 7th international congress 3SLF (Société de sociologie du sport de langue française), Strasbourg, May 29-31, 2013.
  • LANTZ E. (2012) Logiques esthétiques et Méthodologie. Sport and Society conference, Cambridge Univesity, Cambridge, UK. July 23-25, 2012.
  • LANTZ E. (2012). "La place des personnes " handicapées " dans les associations de cirque qui proposent des pratiques de loisir : photographie française". Colloque " médecine des arts et cirque ", Université Montpellier 3.
  • LANTZ E. (2011). Ali, "play for four crutches, three legs, two heads and a chair". Sixth International Inter-University Seminar on the Clinic of Disability (SIICLHA). CEPP - Centre d'Études Psychopathologie et Psychanalyse. Université Paris Diderot Paris 7-UFR Sciences Humaines Cliniques. December 9 and 10.
  • LANTZ E. (2011). Le handicap : quelle altérité dans le cirque contemporain ? Journée d'étude "L'altérité dans le spectacle, le spectacle de l'altérité" organized by Nathalie Coutelet. Département Théâtre, axe " Historiographie des pratiques scéniques " de l'Équipe d'Accueil EA 1573, Paris VIII, May 10, 2011.
  • LANTZ E. (2010). Étude socio-historique de l'accessibilité des pratiques de cirque à destination des personnes handicapées. Intervention in the workshop: "Représentations et approches socio-historiques du handisport et des activités physiques adaptées". Colloque " L'altérité dans les activités physiques et sportives ", Université Paris Descartes, GEPECS (Groupe d'étude pour l'Europe de la culture et de la solidarité) (June 2010)

Organization of conferences / study days :

  •  March 27, 2014: "Extraordinary bodies: from surpassing norms to creative difference" day at La Brèche, Pôle national des arts du cirque de Basse-Normandie/ Cherbourg-Octeville, as part of the European PASS Circus Chanel project.
    Development of the theme, scientific coordination and moderation of the day. Production of a booklet to be published in April 2015, presenting the artistic projects on disability carried out as part of the European PASS Circus Chanel project.
  • May 17, 2013: "Recherches en sciences sociales: les méthodologies au prisme du handicap" day, organized by the Handicap et Sociétés working group (EHESS and Réseau santé société). Organizing committee: Marie Cuenot, Martial Meziani, Elise Lantz.
    Drafting of a call for papers and selection of speakers, organization and moderation of the day.
Teaching topics :
  • Supervision of 1st and 2nd year Master's theses in "Rehabilitation through Adapted Physical Activities" and "Prevention and Health Education through Physical and Sports Activities".
  • CM PESAP "Sociologie de la santé" (4 hours Master2)
  • CM "Sport and the medical-social sector" (20 hours Licence3 x 2)
  • CM "Approaches and benefits of physical activities for deconditioned and impaired populations: Sociological, institutional and ideological analysis" (20 hours Master1 x 2)
  • TD M1 PESAP (44 hours Master1)
  • TD "Usages du corps et inscription économique et sociale des Activités Physiques et Sportives" (10 hours Licence2 x 5)
  • TD "Methodology of adapted physical activity intervention" (28 hours Licence2 x 2)
  • TD Contemporary dance practice (18 hours Licence1)

Status : Doctor

Specialization: Sociology of sport

E-mail: geoffrey.lassalle(at)

Role and mission :

Thesis by PhD : in Human Movement Sciences (Aix Marseille University) CIFRE Agreement N° 2013/1107 Athletics in motion: A state of practice
Under the supervision of Jean Griffet, Institute of Human Movement Sciences, UFR STAPS Marseille and Robin Recours, Santesih Laboratory (Health, Education and Disability Situations), UFR STAPS Montpellier 1.

Defended on November 22, 2018, before the jury composed of: Christophe GIBOUT, Président du jury, Professeur des Universités ; Natacha HEUTTE, Rapporteur du jury, Professeur des Universités ; Michel RASPAUD, Rapporteur du jury, Professeur des Universités ; Jean GRIFFET, Directeur, Professeur des Universités ; Robin RECOURS, Co-Directeur, Habilité à Diriger des Recherches.
Grade de docteur d'Aix Marseille Université

Key words :

Institutional practice, Free practice, Athletics, Subcultures, Motivations for practice.

Project in progress :

Accessibility to outdoor activities for people with disabilities

Main products :
Publications (n=5) :
  • Lassalle G., Recours R., & Griffet J. (2018). Role of family members in sport motivation, involvement and expertise of track and field athletes in france. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 49 (3), 333-354. ISI / JCR / SSCI / I-F = 0.340.
  • Lassalle G., Recours R., & Griffet J. (2018). Cultures of running: characteristics and determinants. Sport in society, 22 (3), 342-360. ISI / JCR / SSCI / I-F = 0.667.
  • Lassalle G., Recours R., & Griffet J. (2016). Postmodern ethics and competitive situations: the practice of athletics among young people. Sociétés, 134,(4), 101-112. ISI / AHCI
  • Lassalle G., Recours R., & Griffet J. (2016). What do running enthusiasts earn and spend? Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, 1-14. ISI / SSCI
  • Lassalle G., Recours R., Griffet J., & Gibout, C. (2016). Young French athletes: clubs and territories. Annales de Géographie, 1, 5-29.
Papers presented at national and international conferences (n=3)
  • Lassalle, G., Recours, R., Griffet, J. & Gibout, C., (2016): Young French athletes: clubs and areas of influence. Annales de Géographie. 12th edition of the Journée de l'École Doctorale des Sciences du Mouvement Humain in Marseille.
  • Lassalle, G., Recours, R., Griffet, J. (2016): Sprint, middle-distance, long-distance: Construction and deconstruction of categories in running activities. XXe congrès des sociologues de langue française à Montréal.
  • Lassalle, G., Recours, R., Griffet, J. & Gibout, C., (2016): Young French athletes: clubs and areas of influence. Annales de Géographie. XXe congrès des sociologues de langue française à Montréal.
Guest lectures for the general public (3) :
  • Lassalle, G., Recours, R., & Griffet, J., (2017): Youth athletics practice: between modernity and postmodernity. General meeting of the Gard athletics committee in Nîmes.
  • Lassalle, G., Recours, R., Griffet, J., (2016): The influence of the family on motivations to practice athletics. Intervention for the Ligue Languedoc-Roussillon d'athlétisme.
  • Lassalle, G., Recours, R., Griffet, J., (2015): The influence of the family on motivations to practice athletics. General Meeting of the Gard Athletics Committee in Rochefort du Gard.
 Scientific expertise activities
  • Journal: "Journal of Physical Education and Sport Management" (Number of reviews: 1)
  • Journal: "International Review for the Sociology of Sport" (Number of reviews: 2)
  • Magazine: "Sport in Society" (Number of reviews: 1)
Teaching topics :
  • "Sociology and anthropology" (Licence 1: 72h CM and 134h TD)
  • "History of sport (Licence 1: 120h TD)
  • "Theory of athletics" (Licence 1, 2 and 3: 40h TD)
  • Head of the socio-anthropology teaching unit in the first year of the Bachelor's degree at the Toulon Faculty of Sports Science. Capacity: 400 students. Training team: 3 full and part-time teachers.

Status : Doctor

Specialty: Sociology

Tel (business) :


Role and mission :
  • A former doctoral student in the laboratory, Estelle Marin-Duval is in charge of setting up the survey "Study of the social participation of people living with HIV (PLHIV)", funded by DREES MiRe/CNSA. This project is also the basis for her thesis work, which began in 2011.
  • Vocational guidance counselor at ADRH Handicap Inclusion (Gard).
Research topics :
  • Social participation of PLWHA in leisure activities in Montpellier
  • Access to physical activities and sports for people living with HIV
Key words :

HIV, Leisure, Disability, monograph

Main products :
  • Duval, E., Lomo Myazhiom, A. C., Ferez, S. Between the fear of discrimination and quasi-therapeutic prescription: Personal experience of physical activity and sports by PLHA in France.1st international HIV social science and humanities conference June 11, 12, 13 2011, Durban, South Africa (oral communication).
  • Duval, E., Héas, S. and Ruffie, S. Effect of the social environment on the relationship to the body and engagement in physical and/or sporting activities of PLWHA: the couple as a space for negotiating biomedical expectations. Colloque " Intervenir dans le champ de la maladie chronique en établissement médico-social : enjeux et réalités ", Fondation Maison des Champs, November 28, 2011, Paris (oral communication)
  • Duval, E., Thomas, J., Perera, E. and Ferez, S., Les effets du diagnostic sur la sexualité et le désir d'enfant des PVVIH: entre rapport au corps, gestion de l'information et imaginaire de la mort imminente, XIIe Congrès de la Société Française de Lutte contre le Sida, Lyon November 3 and 4, 2011 (oral communication).
  • Duval E., Bayac C., Heas S. (2011). L'environnement des activités physiques et sportives, un frein ou un facilitateur à la participation sociale des Gays Vivant avec le VIH (GVVIH)? Colloque "sport and homosexual: models of integration, examples of rejection", Paris, December 2-3.
  • Duval, E., Liotard, P. and J. Thomas (2012). Physical activities, couples and HIV management: from facilitation to constraint in the face of diagnosis. In S. Ferez and J. Thomas (eds.), Sport et VIH. Paris: Téraèdre.
  • Thomas J., Duval E., Perera E., Ferez S. (2013). The perception of physical activity as a mode of HIV care: effets of vulnerability and visibility of the "precarious" body. Science et motricité, 9:15
  • Ferez S., Villoing G., Duval E. (2013). La FFSHP: bases d'une organisation sportive pyramidale et décentralisée (23 mars 1968-19 mars 1972). In Ruffie S. and Ferez S. (dir.), Corps, Sport, Handicaps. Tome 1: L'institutionnalisation du mouvement handisport (1954-2008), Paris:Teraédre.
  • Le Roux N., Courrouy-Michel M.-C., Duval E. (2013). Sportivization and the diffusion of a national model at the local level. L'exemple du Club handisport de Montpellier (1969-1985). In Ruffie S. and Ferez S. (dir.), Corps, Sport, Handicaps. Tome 1: L'institutionnalisation du mouvement handisport (1954-2008), Paris:Teraédre.
  • Marin-Duval E, Ferez S. (2013). Leisure, physical and sporting activities of people living with HIV in and outside associations: between quest for normality and social prescription. Septième congrès international de la Société de sociologie du sport de langue française, Strasbourg, May 29-31.
  • Ferez S., Marin-Duval E., Thomas J., Heas S., Fougeyrollas P. (accepted, forthcoming 2014). Continuing to engage in leisure activities after being infected with HIV: between quest for normality and social prescription. Loisirs et société, 37(3).
  • Ferez S., Ruffie S., Thiandoum B., Duval E. (forthcoming). Inscription médicale et médico-sociale d'une initiative associative (1986-1992). In Ferez S. et Ruffie S. (dir.), Le corps de la honte, histoire de la prise en charge du VIH/SIDA en Guadeloupe.
  • Ferez, S, Perez, M., Duval, E., Perera E. (forthcoming 2015). Du paria au " malade chronique " : reconfiguration du stigmate associé au VIH/sida en France (1982-2012). In Dargère Héas S. (dir.), La chute des masques. De la construction à la révélation du stigmate. Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.
Teaching topics :
  • Sociology of sports and health organizations
  • Anthropology of illness and health

Status: Doctor of Sociology

E-mail: melanie.perez(at)

Role and tasks :

Post-doctoral student in sociology at the Institut National d'Études Démographiques (Ined), under the scientific supervision of Mathieu Trachman in the "Gender, Demography, Society" Research Unit (UR04) directed by Stéphanie Codon and Michel Bozon. Funding: 24-month Sidaction research grant (December 2017 to December 2019). Research title: "Les homosexuels et la PreP. Reception, uses and appropriations of a new biomedical HIV prevention technique. Study of the social determinants of use and non-use of biomedical prevention".

PhD in STAPS, sociology discipline (2017), Health, Education & Disability Situations team (SantÉSiH, EA 4614), UFR STAPS, University of Montpellier. Funding: CIFRE Sida Info Service (2013-2016); Sidaction grant (2016-2017). Thesis title: "Devenir-s séropositif-s. A sociological approach to male homosexuals' experiences of HIV seropositivity".

Jury members :

  • Armelle ANDRO, Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne (Jury President)
  • Janine BARBOT, Cems EHESS, Inserm, (reporter)
  • Sébastien CHAUVIN, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Lausanne (rapporteur)
  • Sylvain FEREZ, University of Montpellier (Director)
  • Anne MARCELLINI, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Lausanne (co-director)
  • Gilles RAVENEAU, Université Paris Nanterre (reviewer)
Research topics :
  • Sociology and anthropology of the body and health, experiences of chronic illness (sociology of careers and socialization) and biotechnologies, public health policies and mechanisms, governing bodies
  • Sociology of gender/sex relations, masculinities and femininities, homosexualities (trajectories and gay lifestyles), bodily practices and care, relationship to the body, to risk, gendered dispositions to risk and care (medicalization and care of the body).
  • Sport and HIV-AIDS, socio-history of LGBT associations and sport, management of transmission risks, stigmatization
Main products :
- Articles in indexed journals:
  • Perez M. & Ferez S., 2019 (in press, forthcoming), "Sport et VIH-sida : de l'exclusion des séropositifs à l'accompagnement des "malades"", Sciences de la société, issue "Politiques sportives, relations sociales et action collective" [Online].
  • Perez M., Ferez S. & Héas S., 2017, "Séropositivités, (em)prises biotechnologiques. Les homosexuels masculins récemment diagnostiqués", SociologieS [Online]
  • Ferez S., Wallach I., Gaucher C., Héas S., Ruffié S., Thomas J., Gaissad L., Perez M., Duval E., Cervera M., Fabre J., Rouanet I., Sotto A. & Fougeyrollas P., 2015, "Effets du diagnostic d'infection au VIH sur la participation sociale: enjeux de l'application du Processus de Production du Handicap à une maladie chronique", numéro thématique "Sexualité, handicap et droits humains", Développement humain, handicap et changement social/Human Development, Disability, and Social Change, vol. 21, n°2, pp. 75-88
- Scientific book chapters :
  • Ferez S. & Perez M., 2018, "VIH-sida", in Andrieu B. & Boëtsch G. (dir.), Dictionnaire du corps, Paris, Éditions CNRS, collection Biblis, pp. 540-544
  • Ferez S., Perez M., Duval E. & Perera E., " Du paria au " malade chronique " : reconfiguration du stigmate associé au VIH/sida en France (1982-2012) ", 2015, in Dargère C. et Héas S. (dir.), La chute des masques. De la construction à la révélation du stigmate, Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, collection Handicap, vieillissement, pp. 209-222
  • Ferez S., Ruffie S., Thiandoum B. & Perez M., 2015, "L'épidémiologisation du mal", in Ferez S. and Ruffie S. (dir.), Le corps de la honte, histoire de la prise en charge du VIH/SIDA en Guadeloupe, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, collection Épistémologie du corps, pp. 81-125
- Scientific articles :
  • Perez M. & Ferez S., 2016, " L'écoute à Sida Info Service face aux avancées biomédicales ", Juris Association, n° 534, March 1, 2016
  • Perez M., 2016, " L'atteinte de la charge virale indétectable ne suffit pas à supprimer la peur de contaminer ", TransversalMag, interview with Vincent Douris, Sidaction, December 2016
- Radio, TV and press broadcasts:
  • Interviewed for a dossier on PrEP by Donnars O., "L'institutionnalisation de la PrEP", Journal du sida, 2019 (forthcoming).
  • Interviewed for the article by Loury R., "La longue marche du TasP", Transversal, pp. 22-23, March/April 2017, n°84
  • Interviewed for the article by Miguet A., "VIH : questions sur un corps contaminant", Sida Info Plus, May 2013.
- Oral presentations at congresses and conferences:
  • Perez M., 2019, "Appropriations et usages pluriels d'une nouvelle technique de prévention biomédicale du VIH : les hommes homosexuels et la PrEP à Paris/Ile de France, étude sociologique qualitative", Sidaction Scientific Day, February 9, 2019.
  • Perez M., 2018, "Devenir-s séropositif-s. Approche sociologique des expériences de la séropositivité au VIH des homosexuels masculins récemment diagnostiqués en France, à l'heure de l'indétectabilité biologique," Sidaction Scientific Day, February 9, 2018.
  • Ferez S. & Perez M., 2017, "Sport et VIH-sida (1982-2008) : étude de la dissimulation de la stigmatisation des personnes sous l'effet des politiques du sport-santé", 9th International Congress of the French-Language Society for the Sociology of Sport (3SLF), Arras, June 7-9, 2017.
  • Issanchou D., Ferez S. & Perez M., 2017, "Obstacles and disincentives to school or work participation for people with cystic fibrosis: the perception of caregivers", International ALTER Conference (European Society for Disability Research), Lausanne, July 6 and 7, 2017.
  • Perez M., Ferez S. & Gaissad L., 2016, "VIH et homosexualités : (em)prises biotechnologiques", Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Sociologie de Langue Française, Montreal.
  • Perez M., 2015, "Si je ne voulais pas chopper le sida, je n'avais qu'à pas être PD!". La 'naturalisation' de la norme hétérosexuelle chez des gays récemment diagnostiqués séropositifs au VIH", Congrès de l'Association Française de Sociologie, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
  • Perez M. & Thomas J., 2013, "L'activité physique comme mode de prise en charge de son VIH: effets de la visibilité du corps sur les stratégies de gestion d'une "maladie chronique"", Congrès International de la 3SLF (Société de Sociologie du Sport de la Langue Française), Strasbourg.
  • Perez M., 2013, "Management of the infected body of recently diagnosed gay men living with HIV in France," International Conference of the Association en Sciences Humaines et Sociales sur le VIH (ASSHH/Assos. for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV), Paris.
- Guest speaker :
  • Perez M., 2018, "Séropositivité et sexualités chez les homosexuels masculins", EHESS research seminar, Ce que les marges font à la sexualité et au genre, Paris, EHESS, January 10, 2018.
  • Perez M., 2018, Discussion with Christophe Broqua following his presentation entitled: "Du préservatif à la prophylaxie pré-exposition au VIH (PrEP) : changement de paradigme dans les mobilisations contre le sida", EHESS research seminar, Sociologie et anthropologie des corps et mobilisations, Paris, EHESS, January 12, 2018.
  • Perez M., 2018, "Sport et VIH-sida (1982-2018). Mobilisations associatives: de la lutte contre l'exclusion des séropositifs-ves à l'accompagnement des "malades chroniques"", Study day "Du sport santé au sport inclusif", Body-Week 3, organized as part of the Gays Games 2018 and the international week of the body organized by EA 3625 TEC at the UFR STAPS of the Université Paris-Descartes, June 26, 2018
  • Perez M. & Ferez S., 2017, "Mobilisations associatives pour la pratique sportive des personnes séropositives au VIH : entre lutte contre l'exclusion et accompagnement sanitaire et social", Colloque international Santé LGBT, Paris, March 9 and 10, 2017.
  • Perez M., 2016, "L'indétectable itinéraire moral des hommes homosexuels séropositifs au VIH", Journée d'étude Homosexualité et VIH : rapport aux risques et prévention médicalisée, organized by Sidaction, Paris
  • Perez M., 2016, "Information management in the age of undetectability. Effets de la mise en invisibilité biologique du VIH sur le masquage du stigmate", National Sidaction Convention, Paris.
- Conference presentations:
  • Perez M., 2014, "Impact de la mise sous traitement sur le rapport à la contamination d'une population gay récemment diagnostiquée séropositive au VIH", Conférence Internationale Francophone sur le VIH et les Hépatites, AFRAVIH, Montpellier.
  • Ferez S., Perez M. & Duval E., 2014, "Imaginaire de la contamination, expérience de la maladie chronique et reconfiguration du stigmate associé à l'infection au VIH (1997-2013)", International Francophone Conference on HIV and Hepatitis, AFRAVIH, Montpellier.
 Organization of conferences and scientific days:
  • Member of the organizing committee and moderator of the International Congress "Chercheur-e-s IN SITU. Immersion par corps, normes et déviances", SantÉSiH, University of Montpellier, May 22-24, 2014
  • Member of the organizing committee and moderator of the Congrès International de la Société de Sociologie du Sport de Langue Française, SantÉSiH, Université de Montpellier, June 3-5, 2015
  • Member of the scientific and organizing committee for the study day "Du sport santé au sport inclusif", Body-Week 3, organized as part of the Gays Games 2018 and the EA 3625 TEC international body week at the UFR STAPS, Université Paris-Descartes, June 26, 2018.
Participation in the life of the research team :

SantÉSiH (2012-2017)

  • Responsible for organizing and leading young researcher seminars, SantÉSiH, University of Montpellier, 2013-2015
  • Organization of monthly seminars for the HIV research group and a study week with international researchers, SantÉSiH, Université de Montpellier, 2013-2014

Ined (2017-present)

  • Organization of a day of meetings and exchanges between researchers around PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), Institut National d'Études Démographiques, Paris, April 20, 2018
  • Organization and moderation of post-doctoral seminars, Institut National d'Études Démographiques, Paris (since 2018)
Learned societies
  • Member of the board of the RT28 of the French Sociology Association (Social science research on sexuality) (since 2018)
  • Member of the Association Française de Sociologie (AFS) (since 2015)
  • Member of the Association Internationale de Sociologie de Langue Française (AISLF) (since 2016)
  • Elected member of the Board of Directors of the Société de Sociologie du Sport de Langue Française (3SLF), doctoral students' college (2015-2017), then member (since 2017)
  • Elected member of the coordinating committee of the Réseau des Jeunes Chercheur-e-s en sciences sociales sur le VIH/sida (2013-2015), then member (since 2015)
Promoting research and investing in scientific networks for young researchers

Réseau des Jeunes Chercheur-e-s en sciences sociales sur le VIH/sida
Member of the coordinating committee (2013-2015)

  • Network management (mailing list, updating the directory of young researchers, mapping)
  • Organization of scientific days
  • Organization and running of an annual workshop to help find funding and set up a social science research project on HIV and hepatitis, in the presence and with the support of funders (ANRS and Sidaction).
  • Organizing meetings to encourage the exchange and sharing of skills between young researchers
  • Methodological support

Réseau des Jeunes Chercheur-e-s de la 3SLF (Société de Sociologie du Sport de Langue Française)

  • Creation and management of the network and the hypothesis notebook (2014 to 2017)
  • Organization and moderation of 3SLF's biennial workshop for young researchers: "Preparing for the post-thesis period during the thesis. From thesis to ESR recruitment: what strategies for young researchers?"
Teaching activities
  • UFR STAPS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Social sciences applied to sport (40h, L2, 2018-2019)
  • UFR SESS-STAPS, Université Paris-Est Créteil, Socio-anthropology of health (36h, L2, 2018-2019)
  • UFR Droit et Science Politique, Université de Montpellier, TD Action publique et gouvernance (30h, M1, 2015-2016)
Academic responsibilities
  • Responsable missions Santé et Handicap, Bureau de la Vie Etudiante, Université de Montpellier, 2015-2017
  • Student representative, Board of Management, UFR STAPS, University of Montpellier, 2014-2016
  • Elected to the users' council, health sector, Research Commission, University of Montpellier, 2015-2017
  • Elected to the Conseil National de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (CNESER), 2015-2017

E-mail: yann.ramirez(at)

Role and mission :

A.T.E.R at UFR STAPS Montpellier since September 2018.
Doctorate in sociology

Research theme :
  • Sociology of violence. My first Master's thesis and the dissertation at PhD were not only aimed at analyzing a combat sport (in this case Mixed Martial Arts or MMA) as a sociological object. I wanted to see it as a window onto the questioning of aggression, the history and role of aggression in sport and in various social phenomena (sport radicalization), ritualized violence. As a result, I can describe the importance and fragility of otherness, and the ambivalence of the partner/adversary. I'd now like to extend my analysis to the more specific phenomena of harassment.
  • The Sociology of the Body is also an outgrowth of my early work on MMA, where I was interested in bodily commitment, risky practices and sport for all (contact sports, extreme sports, doping, sexuality, disability, etc.). With my new research team, my work on the body is now linked to health.
  • The sociology of sport, and in particular competitive sport, is to be pursued, building on my early work on sports events, the Olympic and Paralympic Movement, sports marketing, professionalism, the quest for performance and motivation.
Main products :
- Articles :
  • RAMIREZ YANN, "Engagement corporel en MMA : entre sportivisation et mise spectacle d'une violence instrumentale tolérée", in Corps, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2018, p.361-370.
  • RAMIREZ Yann, "Parcs à rêves", in Les Cahiers Européens de l'Imaginaire, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2014, p. 288-289. 2014.
- Book chapter :
  • "Les Jeux vidéo et les arts martiaux mixtes : la rencontre entre deux " mauvaises réputations ", in Olivier Bernard (ed.), Presses de l'Université Laval, collection " L'Univers social des arts martiaux ", forthcoming.
  • "Engagement corporel en MMA: entre sportivisation et mise spectacle d'une violence instrumentale tolérée," in Corps, Paris, CNRS Editions. 2018, p.361-370.
    " Mixed Martial Arts: vector of representations. Causes et effets d'un imaginal hybride", in Olivier Bernard (ed.) Les Art Martiaux, la puissance d'un imaginaire, Presses de l'Université Laval, collection "L'Univers social des arts martiaux", 2016, p.75-132.
  • "Faith in sport: a desacralized social form", in BRATOSIN Stefan, TUDOR Mihaela Alexandra, Espace public et communication de la foi. Actes du 2e colloque international ComSymbol les 2-3 juillet 2014, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier/Centre Du Guesclin Béziers, Éditions IARSIC et ESSACHESS, 2014, pp. 199-208.
  • "Combat sports and conflict: adversary or partner", Colloque International des jeunes chercheurs "L'altérité en questions", Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, April 11, 2014. in Rusca, La revue en ligne, MSH-M, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Montpellier, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, issue 6 "L'altérité", available at: http: //
  • Review by Frédéric Monneyron (ed.), Sport et imaginaire, in Sociétés, n°123, 2014/1.
  • "Combat sports and conflict: adversary or partner", in Rusca, La revue en ligne, MSH-M, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Montpellier, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier, issue 6 "L'altérité".
- Communications :
  • "From the crisis of traditional martial arts to mixed martial arts: the role of the media". Conferences "Les Arts Martiaux entre médias et culture populaire", Department of Sociology, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada. December 2, 2016.
  • "Combat sports and video games where the transition from spectator to player". 13th JORRESCAM, "Innovations in Combat Sports and Martial Arts", UFR Staps Lyon, Université Lyon 1, Lyon. December 13, 2016.
  • "Mixed martial arts: between high-level training and self-destruction", ACAPS international congress, Nantes convention center, symposium "Le Mixed Martial Arts comme outil sociologique: état des lieux des recherches et perspectives", October 26, 2015.
  • "Faith in sport: a desacralized social form", Espace public et communication de la foi. Proceedings of the 2nd international symposium ComSymbol July 2-3, 2014, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier/Centre Du Guesclin Béziers, Éditions IARSIC et ESSACHESS, 2014.
  • "L'usage du dopage dans les sports à fort engagement corporel : le cas des arts martiaux mixtes", IV congreso internacional. Deporte, dopaje y sociedad, Madrid (Spain), February 28, 2014.
  • "Extreme training and self-destruction in Mixed Martial Arts", European Sociological Association Colloquium, Turin (Italy), August 30, 2013.
Teaching topics :

Since September 2018:

  • Sociology for L2 STAPS: symbolic interactionism, public action, methodology.
  • Anthropology: cultural learning of running, swimming and fighting, 8h TD History of sport: birth of the sports movement.
  • POP: Professional Orientation Project.
  • Analysis of society and contemporary economics DUT Carrières Sociales in 2017.
  • Information-Communication Organization Theory between 2014 and 2018.
  • General Sociology between 2014 and 2018.
  • Anthropological and sociological approaches to health and disability issues in STAPS in 2015-2016

E-mail: thomasriffaud(at)

Role and mission :


Doctorate in sociology. Thesis entitled "Travailler l'espace public : Les artisans des sports de rue, de la danse in situ et du street art à Montpellier" (Defended: June 9, 2017).

Research theme :
  • Sociology of sport
  • Urban sociology
  • Sociology of tourism
  • Sociology of the arts
Main products :
- Articles :
  • Riffaud, T. (2019). Building your own spot: the Do It Yourself philosophy in street sports. Espaces et Sociétés. (in press)
  • Riffaud, T. (2018). Sociological flânerie: an adogmatic methodology. SociologieS, [online].
  • Riffaud, T. (2017). Recreational habitability in street sports and contemporary dance. Juristourisme, 195, 30-34.
  • Riffaud, T., Gibout C., Recours R. (2015). Skateparks: the new play parks for children. A socio-spatial analysis of street sports from the Montpellier case. Les Annales de la recherche urbaine, 111, 30-41.
  • Riffaud, T., Recours, R., & Gibout, C. (2015). Sports and street arts: being urban differently! Loisir et Société/Society and Leisure, 38(3), 423-435.
- Book chapter :
  • Riffaud, T. (2017). Sterilization or petri dish? The public policy of spaces dedicated to "Graffiti" and "Roule" practices. in Gibout (dir). Récréation et développement des territoires? P.171-181 Paris : Edilivre
- Communications :
  • Riffaud, T. (2018). Cultural-sports tourism: When "street art" meets nature hiking. What sports tourism? Fabricating a contemporary experience of elsewhere. International conference, SanteSiH and CERCE, Montpellier.
  • Riffaud, T. (2018). Du dessin animé au droit à la ville; Le Roi et l'Oiseau. Colloque Imaginaire et vie quotidienne, CeaQ and IRSA, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3.
  • Riffaud, T. (2018). When in situ dance questions research. International colloquium Representing territories, CIST- Collège international des sciences du territoire, Rouen.
  • Riffaud, T. (2017). Public spaces, space of the collective? Que disent l'art et le sport?", Collective action: practices and places of the collective, Pacte (Université de Grenoble Alpes) and TVES (Université Lille 1, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale) study day, Grenoble.
  • Riffaud, T. (2017). From appearance to disappearance: the totemic spaces of "street sports". International symposium: the city and sport, UBO Brest, France.
  • Riffaud, T. (2016). The body as intermediary in a dance with urban space. Habitability in street sports and contemporary dance. Colloque Transition récréative et écologie corporelle, GDRI-ECAPAS and the PACTE laboratory (UMR CNRS 5194), Le Pradel, France.
Other responsibilities :
  • Organization of the laboratory's young researchers seminars

Role and mission

Former research contract (March 2011 - September 2013) as part of a research program on theanalysis of the professional integration trajectories of disabled students and teaching assistant. Awarded a doctoral contract (DS 60/UM3 2013-2016) with teaching responsibilities.

Doctorate in sociology. Thesis entitled "Sociologie d'une case à cocher. Penser les (dé)limitations des possibles professionnels et compensatoires des anciens " étudiants handicapés " à travers l'analyse de leurs recours à la RQTH ".

The thesis was defended on November 17, 2017 in Montpellier before a jury composed of:
- Cédric FRÉTIGNÉ (examiner), Professeur des Universités, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, LIRTES EA 7313;
- Nathalie LE ROUX (co-supervisor), Maîtresse de Conférences, Université de Montpellier, SANTESIH EA 4614;
- Anne MARCELLINI (co-director), University Professor, University of Lausanne, LINES),
- Emmanuel QUENSON (co-director), University Professor, University of Evry-Val-d'Essonne, Centre Pierre Naville EA 2543 ;
- Anne REVILLARD (rapporteur), Associate Professor, Sciences Po, OSC-LIEPP UMR-CNRS 7049;
- Joël ZAFFRAN (rapporteur), Professor, University of Bordeaux, Centre Emile Durkheim UMR-CNRS 5116.

Recruited in January 2018 at Céreq in the Travail Emploi et Professionnalisation department.

Research theme :
  • Sociology of public action
  • Sociology of work
  • Sociology of youth
  • Sociology of the relationship between training and employment
Main products :
 - Articles :
  • SEGON, M., BRISSET, L., LE ROUX, N. (2017), Des aménagements satisfaisants mais insuffisants ? Les expériences contrariées de la compensation du handicap à l'Université, La nouvelle revue de l'adaptation et de la scolarisation, n°77, pp. 117-29.
  • SEGON, M., LE ROUX, N. (2015), Travailler moins pour travailler plus longtemps : (dé)limitations des possibles et rapports à la vie professionnelle des jeunes handicapés sortis de l'enseignement supérieur, Agora Débats/Jeunesses, n°71, pp. 111-25.
  • SEGON, M., LE ROUX, N., BANENS, M., CHAMPELY, S. (2014), Quelles données statistiques peuvent exploiter pour mesurer les parcours d'entrée dans la vie active des jeunes étudiants handicapés, Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, n°1-2, pp. 216-37.
  • SEGON, M., LE ROUX, N. (2013), Parcours de formation et d'accès à l'emploi des anciens étudiants handicapés : formes de recours aux dispositifs et dynamiques identitaires, Agora Débats/Jeunesses, n°65, pp. 77-92.
 - Book chapter :
  • FEREZ, S., SEGON, M., THOMAS, J. (2014), "Des pratiques sportives des personnes handicapées en France, spécificités des pratiques et des pratiquants Handisport en 2000", in Marcellini, A., Villoing, G. (dir), Corps, Sport, Handicaps : le mouvement handisport au XXIe siècle - Lectures sociologiques, Paris: Téraèdre.
 - Research reports :
  • SEGON, M., BRISSET, L., LE ROUX, N., (2015), Enquête sur les parcours des anciens étudiants handicapés, Study report, AGEFIPH research contract, 88 p.
  • SEGON, M., GIACOMETTI, N., LE ROUX, N., (2014), Enquête nationale sur les parcours des anciens étudiants handicapés : présentation de l'enquête et premières tendances, Document de synthèse, Contrat de recherche AGEFIPH, 14 p.
  • SEGON, M., LE ROUX, N., (2013), Étude du devenir des anciens étudiants handicapés : une exploitation secondaire de Génération 2004 (Céreq) et analyse de récits d'insertion, Rapport d'étude, Contrat de recherche DRESS/MiRe/CNSA, 99 p.
 - Research reports :
  • SEGON, M. (2012), Marion Blatgé, "Learning about visual impairment. Une socialisation", Lectures [En ligne], Les comptes rendus, 2012, online June 7, 2012, URL :
 - Communications :
  • SEGON, M., (2017), How do "disabled students" become "disabled workers", Séminaire jeunes chercheur-euse-s du programme Handicap(s) et Sociétés de l'EHESS, January 24, 2017, EHESS.
  • LE ROUX, N., SEGON, M., BRISSET, L., (2016), Experience and forms of uses of disability compensation devices in French universities, Colloque "ALTER", June 30 - July 1, Stockholm University.
  • SEGON, M., (2015), Analyse des formes de recours à la RQTH chez les jeunes sortant de l'enseignement supérieur, Colloque international " Accès aux droits, handicap et participation sociale ", 4-5 juin 2015, INS-HEA, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense.
  • SEGON, M., LE ROUX, N., (2015), Enquête nationale sur les parcours des anciens étudiants handicapés : enjeux et premières tendances, Colloque "L'accessibilité : une responsabilité sociétale", March 31, 2015, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne.
  • SEGON, M., (2014), Les inscriptions temporelles du recours à un dispositif de compensation du handicap, Université d'été "Temporalités, rythmes sociaux, biographies et trajectoires" du RéDoc, June 30 - July 4, 2014, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
  • SEGON, M., LE ROUX, N., (2014), Le recours aux dispositifs de compensation du handicap dans les parcours de formation et d'insertion des jeunes étudiants handicapés. Le cas de la Reconnaissance de la Qualité de Travailleur Handicapé (RQTH), Colloque "Trajectoires professionnelles et dispositifs publics en action", June 12-13, 2014, Université Paris-Dauphine.
  • LE ROUX, N., SEGON, M., (2013), Trajectoires d'accès à l'emploi des anciens étudiants handicapés, apports de l'enquête Génération et analyse de récits d'insertion, Colloque " Handicap : enjeux économiques et sociétaux, apports de la recherche ", 910 octobre 2013, Ministère des Affaires Sociales et de la santé, IRESP/CNSA/DRESS/MIRE.
  • LE ROUX, N., SEGON, M., (2013). Les trajectoires des anciens étudiants handicapés : regard statistique et ressentis des individus, International symposium "Disability between individual trajectories and institutional logics: employment, work, social policies", April 11-12, 2013, University of Lille 3.
  • THOMAS, J., SEGON, M., (2012). Les usages sociaux et genrés du corps d'adolescentes insérées dans des filières scolaires masculines, 6th International Congress of Francophone Feminist Research, August 29 - September 2, 2012, University of Lausanne.
  • SEGON, M., BANENS, M., CHAMPELY, S., LE ROUX, N., (2012). Les parcours d'insertion des anciens étudiants handicapés : état des lieux statistique et perspectives de recherche, Colloque " Travail Emploi Politiques Publiques ", 14-15 juin 2012, Université de Caen.
  • LE ROUX, N., SEGON, M., (2011). Des études à l'emploi : quelles trajectoires pour les étudiants handicapés ? Colloque " Université et Handicap ", November 19, 2011, Université de Montpellier 1.
Teaching topics :
  • Sociology
  • Research methodology / Survey methodology
  • Computing and statistical processing
  • Dissertation follow-up
Other responsibilities :
  • Co-organization of scientific events:
    • Study day "53% at bac... and after? Accompagnement, parcours, expériences et mobilisation des " étudiants.e.s handicapé.e.s ", April 3, 2017, University of Montpellier. (Co-organizer with Jérôme Bas).
    • 8th International Congress of the Société de Sociologie du Sport de Langue Française "Le sport face aux institutions. Interactions and reciprocal transformations", June 3-5, 2015, University of Montpellier. (Member of the organizing committee).
    • International colloquium "Chercheur-se In Situ Immersion par corps, normes et déviances, May 21-23, 2014", University of Montpellier. (Member of the organizing committee).
    • Seminar to exploit qualitative data on transitions to employment for "disabled students", year 2013, 4 sessions, University of Montpellier.
    • Séminaire Jeunes Chercheur.e.s Santesih, year 2013, 6 sessions, University of Montpellier.
  • Expertise: member of the steering committee for a survey on the employability of the visually impaired conducted in 2013 by the Laboratoire d'Économie at the University of Orléans and funded by the Fédération des Aveugles et Amblyopes de France.

Role and mission :

Co-director and post-doctorate coordinator of the research that gave rise to the bookPrisonswith Laurent Solini and Sylvain Ferez, Jennifer Yeghicheyan then joined the Santesih laboratory as a temporary teaching and research associate. She continued her work by co-directing with Laurent Solini and Jean-Charles Basson the project "D'une institution de prise en charge à l'autre. Une étude exploratoire des socialisations institutionnelles des jeunes sous main de justice", under the joint supervision of Cresco (Centre de recherche en sciences sociales corps et sport - EA 4719) and Santesih.

University life (since 2016) :

  • 2016 - 2018 Organizer of young researchers and research seminars, Santesih, University of Montpellier

Elected to represent contract staff on the board of the Scientific Department of Education, University of Montpellier

Research topics :

Her work is based on ethnographic research. They focus on institutional care, oscillating between security and support (social, educational), for populations described as both "dangerous" and "vulnerable".

In her thesis, she focused on the periphery of prisons: how volunteers and service providers welcome inmates' relatives on the outskirts of prisons during visiting hours. She then analyzes prison care processes through a spatial prism. She goes on to study the application of public security/accompaniment policies for young offenders.

Keywords:ethnography; vulnerabilities; institutions; caregivers; spatialities; troubled youth; volunteering; public policies

Main publications:

Refereed articles

Yeghicheyan J., 2020, " ''Une fourmilière! Des usages d'un rond-point en maison d'arrêt",Champ pénal/Penal Field, dossier architecture carcérale, Milhaud O., Scheer D. (coord.).

Yeghicheyan J.& Jaspart A., 2018, "Collective research, a bulwark against "ethnographic discomfort"? Le cas d'un terrain partagé en prison",Ethnologie française,vol. 48, n°3, pp. 539-576.

Yeghicheyan J., 2018, "La place des familles : une reconnaissance en demi-teinte",Métropolitiques, Gayet-Viaud C. & Icard V. (dir.), dossier "Architecture carcérale et sens de la peine : formes et usages contemporains de la prison".

Solini L., Scheer D. &YeghicheyanJ., 2016, ""A window to the outside world"? Ecology of two prison spaces",Sociologie, n°3, vol. 7, pp. 225-242.

Project management

Solini L.,Yeghicheyan J.& Ferez S., 2019,Prisons. Usages et appropriations des espaces carcéraux, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, "Locus Solus".

Book chapter

Yeghicheyan J., 2016, "Une ethnologue en périphérie carcérale. Retour sur un engagement ethnographique",inPereraE. & Beldame Y.,In situ. Situations, interactions et récits d'enquête, Paris, L'Harmattan, "Mouvements des savoirs" pp. 121-132.


Yeghicheyan J., 2015,Accueillir et contenir : les" familles " entre bénévolat et marché. Enquête sur une périphérie carcérale, Thesis for the degree of Doctor in Ethnology from Paul-Valéry University, Montpellier 3.

Very Honorable Mention with unanimous congratulations from the jury

Jury :

- Vincent Dubois (jury chairman and rapporteur), Professor, University of Strasbourg

- Geneviève Zoïa (rapporteur), Professor, Université Montpellier 2

- Arnauld Chandivert, Senior Lecturer, University of Montpellier 3

- Didier Fassin, Director of Studies, EHESS Paris/Professor of Social Sciences, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton

- Corinne Rostaing, Senior Lecturer HDR, University Lyon 2

- Caroline Touraut, Doctor of Sociology, Research Officer at the Direction de l'Administration Pénitentiaire and Associate Researcher at ISP Cachan

Teaching topics :

  • Fundamental theoretical courses in sociology and ethnology
  • Methodology in sociology and ethnology
  • The social construction of inequality

Status and duration (596 H TD) :

2018 - 2016 : ATER in social sciences, full-time, University of Montpellier

384 H TD, including 20 H CM. Bachelor's and Master's students

Supervision of dissertations for Master 1 and 2 PESAP (Prevention, Health Education, Physical Activity) and Master 1 MSTS (Management of Sports Tourism Services) students

2011 - 2014: Teaching and vacation assignments as part of doctoral contract, Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier 3

164 H TD, including 72 H CM. Licence students

E-mail: bouchetcyriac(at)

Role and mission :

Doctoral student in sociology at the University of Montpellier, SantÉSIH Laboratory, under the supervision of Sylvain Ferez. Doctoral stipend (36 months) from the Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le VIH/Sida et les hépatites (ANRS).
Provisional title of thesis: "Étude des usages d'un dispositif de dépistage et de prescription de la PrEP hors des murs de l'hôpital par les demandeurs d'asile LGBTI. Social and identity-related effects of targeted prevention."

Research theme :

- Study of the use of combined HIV prevention tools
- Organization/reorganization of HIV prevention actors and medicalization of prevention
- Relationship to the contaminated body and to the risks of HIV contamination

Main products :
- Communications :

- Bouchet-Mayer C. (Nov. 2019). Combined sexual prevention device targeted to LGBTI+ migrants: an adapted public health device between "outdoor" and "indoor" the hospital. 12th European Public Health Conference, "Building bridge for solidarity and public health" - Organized by European Public Health Association.
- Bouchet-Mayer C. (Nov. 2019). Étude des usages différenciés d'un dispositif de prévention combinée du VIH par des demandeurs d'asile homosexuels venant d'Afrique sub-saharienne francophone. Université de jeunes chercheurs - Organized by Sidaction.
- Bouchet-Mayer C. (April 2019). Étude des usages différenciés d'un dispositif de prévention combinée du VIH par des demandeurs d'asile homosexuels venant d'Afrique sub-saharienne francophone. Study day, "Discourses, pratiques et mobilisations associatives autour du VIH" - organized by the association AIDES.
- Bouchet-Mayer C. (April 2019). Étude des usages différenciés d'un dispositif de prévention combinée du VIH par des demandeurs d'asile homosexuels venant d'Afrique sub-saharienne francophone. Séminaire de l'unité d'évaluation du service de santé publique hôpital Saint-Louis, Lariboisière, Fernand-Widal.

Role and mission :

Doctoral student in Sociology in the Health, Education & Situations of Handicap (SantÉSiH) research team, DS 60, University of Montpellier, I work under the supervision of Sylvain Ferez and Michel Dorais (Laval University, Quebec, Canada) in an international cotutelle (currently being set up) since November 2019.
research theme
The mechanisms and origins of parental rejection of children because of homosexuality and transidentity issues.

provisional title of your thesis:
Talking to your parents about your sexual orientation or gender identity: the impact of parental rejection on the family value paradigm

key words

Family, rejection, homophobia, LGBT, parents, sexual orientation

field of investigation

Human and Social Sciences,
Sociology of homosexuality
Sociology of the Family

E-mail: mag.rouvarel(at)

Roles and missions :

Doctoral student in Sociology in the Health, Education & Disability Situations research team (SanT.E.Si.H, EA 4614), UFR STAPS, University of Montpellier, I work under the supervision of Sylvain Ferez and Éric Perera (since December 2017).
Medical partner: Maurice Yakoun, bariatric surgeon, Montpellier.
PhD part of the research program "Sortir de l'obésité par la chirurgie bariatrique", a European multidisciplinary project co-directed by Sylvain Ferez and Éric Perera, SanT.E.Si.H EA 4614 Université de Montpellier France.

Co-animation of the young researcher seminar with Thomas Riffaud ATER since September 2018
Co-management of the laboratory website with Éric Perera MCF HDR since September 2019
Member of the seminar "Sortir de l'obésité par la chirurgie bariatrique"
Member of the réseau jeunes chercheurs santé et Société
Member of the réseau des Jeunes ChercheurEs en Sciences Sociales VIH/sida
Member of the association Française de Sociologie, réseau thématique 17
Member of the Corps & Culture association
Member of the extended board of the Stop obésité Saint Jean association

Research topics

My research deals with the question of whether or not an obese person decides to undergo bariatric surgery: when, how, when and how this decision is made; how the expectation and impact of this decision contributes to the reconfiguration of the person's own posture (identity/medical) within the course of his or her life; and how this decision impacts the person in his or her relationships with those around him or her.

Provisional title of my thesis:
Effect of the entourage's gaze on the need to lose weight and recourse to bariatric surgery. Study of the issues involved in the decision to undergo weight-loss surgery and the support it provides.
Key words: Obesity, weight loss, bariatric surgery, bodily and social transformations, entourage, decision.

Main products

Oral communications
"Why choose bariatric surgery? Histoires de femmes inscrites dans un parcours préopératoire", Maguelone Rouvarel, Sylvain Ferez, Éric Perera, Maurice Yakoun. 4° Journée porte ouverte Obésité, Maison de l'hospitalisation privée, Montpellier May 18, 2019.
" Access to the field, first interviews first difficulties. From theoretical methodology to access to the research field" Maguelone Rouvarel. Oral communication, SanT.E.Si.H young researchers seminar, EA 4614, UM, Montpellier, January 23, 2019.
Fields of intervention
Sciences Humaines et Sociales,
Sociologie de la santé et de la maladie chronique.

Related diplomas

Diplôme d'Etat de Cadre de Santé, reeducation stream, Institut de Formation des Cadres de Santé (IFCS), June 2008, Montpellier.
Diplôme d'Etat de Masseur kinésithérapeute, Institut de Formation en Masso-kinésithérapie (IFMK), June 1997, Montpellier.

Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche (ATER), full-time, University of Montpellier, since September 1, 2019.

Doctor in Staps, thesis defended on September 20, 2018 supervised by Marina Honta, University of Bordeaux "Genesis and implementation of the "sport, health, well-being" plan. Actors, knowledge, territories and instruments. A sociology of the state in recomposition. The case of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region".

Research topics :

Analysis of sports policies and their impact on society: political sociology of public action; sports policy and regional planning; sports policy and professional integration; health promotion and physical activities (sport-health).

Publications and works :

Magazine articles :

Illivi F., Honta M. 2019. "L'État et la gestion partenariale du "sport-santé"", Jurisport, Édit. Dalloz, n° 193, pp. 42-46. ⟨⟩

Honta, M. & Illivi, F. 2019. The price of innovation: operator capabilities and the reception of sedentary lifestyle programs. Innovations, 60(3), 201-222.

Honta M., Illivi F. 2017. "Différenciations et résistances dans le pilotage régional de l'accès de tous à la pratique sportive, une analyse de l'État local en action," Revue française d'administration publique, no. 164, pp. 873 - 886.

Coming soon:

Illivi F., Honta M. 2019. "La mise en œuvre du plan " sport, santé, bien-être " en région : un processus d'ajustements continus," Revue de la Société Française de Santé Publique, vol. 31, no. 4, July-August 2019.
Illivi F., Honta M. 2019. Instrumentation in the fight against inequalities in access to physical activity. Un gouvernement des conduites par la qualité, Revue française des affaires sociales (RFAS).

Honta M., Illivi F. 2019. Le gouvernement de la lutte contre la sédentarité en région Nouvelle-Aquitaine: structuration différenciée des engagements et dilemmes moraux in collective work LE SPORT-SANTE: SOCIOLOGIE D'UNE NOUVELLE CATEGORIE DE L'ACTION PUBLIQUE, William Gasparini and Sandrine Knobé.

Books :

Illivi F. 2019. Outil d'insertion professionnel, sport et animation. Mauritius, European University Publishing, 75 p.

Illivi F. 2017. Comprendre la relation entre commune et intercommunalité dans la construction d'un projet sportif de territoire, Mauritius, éditions universitaires européennes, 130 p.

Illivi F., Honta M. Bougez! la fabrique locale de la lutte contre la sédentarité, une sociologie politique de l'État en action, l'Harmattan (book, 350 p. forthcoming, publication date not specified).

Lectures and oral communications :

F.Illivi. "La mise en œuvre du PSSBE en région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, ou l'État et la gestion partenariale du "sport-santé", Association Sport Santé Limousin (SSL) conference, Limoges February 07, 2019.

Teaching topics :

Sociologie de l'action publique,
Sociologie des organisations,
Politique de santé publique,
Histoire du sport,
Méthodologie de recherche.

Status: PhD in social anthropology and ethnology from EHESS-Paris - Contract researcher at Santesih

Specialty: Anthropology

E-mail: yann.beldame(at)

Role and mission :

In charge of the "ChirBa" survey: "Overcoming obesity through surgery".
Bariatric surgery is increasingly being used to combat obesity. While this leads to rapid weight loss, making it possible to effectively combat severe obesity, the operation also engenders a series of significant bodily transformations, which are the subject of numerous medical studies, but whose individual experience and social effects have been little studied until now. This survey is an opportunity to look at patients' points of view, the way in which they report on the experience of these transformations and the effects they have on their lives in the months following the operation. The main aim of this research is to assess changes in eating habits and physical activity during the 12 months following surgery, shedding light on the interactions between biological, sensory and social changes.

Research topics :
  • Ethnographic survey - Spain - undocumented migrants - intersectionality
  • Disability - sport and intellectual disability - paralympism
  • Rare diseases - obesity
  • Adapted sports tourism
Main products :
- Articles published in peer-reviewed journals (AERES list) :
  • Beldame Yann, "Les sans-papiers, le chef et l'ethnographe. Perceptions of gender, class and race on a small Barcelona construction site", Revue Cultures & Conflits, 2014, n° 93, Spring 2014, pp. 65-86.
  • Beldame Yann, Marcellini Anne, Lantz Élise, "Expériences et effets biographiques du sport adapté de haut-niveau. Étude de trajectoires sportives et professionnelles d'athlètes catégorisés comme ayant une déficience intellectuelle", Alter, European Journal of Disability Research, Vol. 10 - N°3 - July/September 2016.
  • Beldame Yann, "The "fresh talk" of adapted sport athletes", Sport in Society, 2018, 21:4, 649-663, DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2016.1273613.
- Co-editor:
  • Perera Éric, Beldame Yann (sous la dir.), 2016, In Situ. Situations, interactions et récits d'enquête, L'Harmattan, Collection Mouvements des savoirs.
- Book chapters :
  • Beldame Yann, Perera Éric, 2016, "Introduction. Enquêter In situ" in In Situ. Situations, interactions et récits d'enquête, L'Harmattan, Collection Mouvements des savoirs.
  • Beldame Yann, Chauvier Éric, 2016, "Le chercheur In situ et l'ordinaire de l'enquête", in In Situ. Situations, interactions et récits d'enquête, L'Harmattan, Collection Mouvements des savoirs.
  • Beldame Yann, Traimond Bernard, 2016, "In discussion with Bernard Traimond", in In Situ. Situations, interactions et récits d'enquête, L'Harmattan, Collection Mouvements des savoirs.
  • Translation (with the collaboration of Myriam and Éric Perera) of the interview between Montezemolo Fiamma and Rosaldo Renato, "En discutant avec Renato Rosaldo", in In Situ. Situations, interactions et récits d'enquête, L'Harmattan, Collection Mouvements des savoirs. Original publication: Montezemolo Fiamma, Rosaldo Renato, 2003 (2001), "Conversando con Renato Rosaldo", Revista de Antropología Social, 2003, 12, p. 321-345.
- Book reviews :
  • Perera Éric, Beldame Yann, 2017, "À quoi sert l'ethnopragmatique", La nouvelle quinzaine littéraire n. 1174, June 2017.
  • Perera Éric, Beldame Yann, 2018, "Regards anthropologiques d'Orient", La nouvelle quinzaine littéraire n. 1191, April 2018.
Teaching topics :
  • Anthropology and sociology of sports practices and the body
  • Ethnographic survey methodology
  • Anthropology and sociology of immigration
  • Anthropology of kinship - Sociology of the family
  • Anthropology and sociology of tourism
  • Anthropology and sociology of disability

E-mail: laura.silvestri(at)

Role and mission :

Doctorate in social anthropology and ethnology.

Participation in laboratory research programs:

  • Becoming an adult with a developmental anomaly (Devadulte-AD)
  • Measuring the quality of school and work environments for adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis (MQESP-Muco)
Research theme :
  • Construction and circulation of knowledge and representations about the body and health.
Key words :

Body practices, traditional medicines, chromosomal abnormalities, genetic diseases, disabilities.

Main products :
Publications :
  • "Between greetings and acts of worship: redefining interactions in a martial arts school in Kerala (India)", journal Transverse. Soin/santé, thematic volume Interactions et dynamiques des asymétries, edited by Géraldine Rix-Lièvre and Serge Thomazet, 2018, pp. 93-106.
  • "De la valeur heuristique du malentendu : retour sur un terrain au Kerala", Civilisations, Figures du malentendu, n. 65, 2017, pp. 107-126. Online : ; DOI : 10.4000/civilisations.4067
  • "Finding the right measure through the voice", Proceedings of the AFEA (Association Française des Ethnoloques et Anthropologues) 2015 Congress, Démesure, Toulouse, June 29-July 2, 2015. Online: https: //
  • "Science and Religion in Traditional Indian Medicine: The Laws of Nature and the Individual in Western Ayurvedic Practice," Quaderns-e. Revista de l'Institut català d'Antropologia, 19/1/2014 (first published 2008), pp. 235-248, online:
Communications :
  • With Yann Beldame: "The school and work experiences of young people with a rare chromosomal abnormality through their stories and those of their families", ALTER (European Society for Disability Research) Conference 2017, Disability, Recognition and "Living Together". Diversity of practices and pluralities of values, Lausanne, 6-7-July 2017.
  • With Yann Beldame: "Recueillir la parole de personnes mineures ou protégées en présence de difficultés d'expressions: quelques cas d'une enquête auprès de jeunes porteurs d'anomalies chromosomiques et de leurs parents", Study day Les enjeux méthodologiques de la collecte de la parole avec des personnes ayant des déficiences intellectuelles ou des troubles du comportement, Organized by the Santesih and Lirdef laboratories, University of Montpellier, December 15, 2017.
  • With the Devadulte-AD research collective: "Devenir adulte avec une anomalie du développement : exclusion et participation sociale (n.2)", Communication affichée au Congrès "Rare 2017", Fondation des Maladies Rares, Paris, November 20-21, 2017.
  • With the Devadulte-AD research collective: "Becoming an adult with a developmental anomaly: exclusion and social participation", Paper posted at the Colloque "Recherche en SHS dans les maladies rares", Paris, October 20, 2016.