Contract researchers


Qualifications :

- Section 19 (Sociology and Demography) - Number: 23219208954.

- Section 20 (Social anthropology and ethnology) - Number: 21220208954.

- Section 74 (STAPS) - Number: 23274208954


Business telephone (lab):

Cell phone number:

1. Roles and mission

Contract researcher: writing and setting up research projects, responding to calls for tender, carrying out qualitative surveys (ethnography, interviews), transcribing and analyzing interviews, producing research reports, writing scientific articles, organizing colloquia or study days, promoting and disseminating research to partners and professionals impacted by research findings.

2. Research topics

After a thesis in social anthropology on the material conditions of existence and logics of exploitation of undocumented bricklayers in Barcelona, I joined the Santésih laboratory at the University of Montpellier in 2013, where I worked on several research projects on health, sport and disability, first as an ATER and then as a postdoctoral fellow:

- one on the effects of the participation of athletes from the French Federation of Adapted Sports (FFSA) in the Paralympic movement,

- another on the transition to adulthood of young people with chromosomal abnormalities leading to intellectual disability,

- another on the physical and social transformations associated with bariatric surgery

- another on the social factors of Paralympic performance.

- and finally, one that looks at the decline in sports participation among young people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) as they move into adulthood.

Whether it's my work on the Paralympic experience of athletes with disabilities (mental or physical), that of young athletes with ASD or the bodily transformations associated with bariatric surgery, each time it's a question of technological, human and institutional devices aimed at vulnerable people, and which question both the renewal of inequalities in pathways and social destinies and the lived effects of public policies intended to improve the living conditions of these populations.

3. Keywords

Ethnographic survey - immigration - sport and disability - bariatric surgery - intersectionality.

4. Teaching themes

Ethnographic survey methodology - Sociology and anthropology of immigration - Sociology and anthropology of physical and sports practices - Sociology and anthropology of health - Sociology and anthropology of disability - Sociology and anthropology of tourism - Sociology and anthropology of organizations - Sociology and anthropology of old age and aging.

5. Main publications

  • Beldame Yann,, Joncheray Hélène, Duquesne Valentine and Richard Rémi (2023). "They Don't Really Care about my Results, they Prefer Selling my Life Story". Inspirational Paralympians and Sponsorship". Communication and Sport, [IF 2021: 3.183; Scimago: Social Science Q1; Communication Q1]
  • Beldame Yann, Ferez Sylvain, Perera Éric et al (2021). "Weight surgery and weight of surgery. Les régimes de justification de patients obèses en attente d'chirurgie bariatrique", Sciences sociales et santé, 2021/3 (Vol. 39), pp. 41-67. [IF 2021: 0.229; Scimago: Health (Social Science) Q4]
  • Beldame Yann, Silvestri Laura (2021). "S'accorder, vouloir dire et être reconnu-e au cours d'un entretien. Le cas des entretiens de recherche avec des personnes catégorisées " trisomiques " ", Terrains & travaux, 2021/1 (N° 38), p. 147-168.
  • Beldame Yann(2018). "The "fresh talk" of adapted sport athletes," Sport in Society, 2018, 21: 4, 649-663. [IF 2018: 0.752; Scimago: Cultural Studies Q1]
  • Beldame Yann, Marcellini Anne, Lantz Élise (2016). "Experiences and biographical effects of high-level adapted sport. Étude de trajectoires sportives et professionnelles d'athlètes catégorisés comme ayant une déficience intellectuelle", Alter, European Journal of Disability Research, Vol. 10 - N°3 - July/September 2016. [IF 2016: 0.405; Scimago: Health (Social Science) Q3]
  • Beldame Yann(2014). "Les sans-papiers, le chef et l'ethnographe. Perceptions of gender, class and race on a small construction site in Barcelona," Revue Cultures & Conflits, 2014, no. 93, Spring 2014, pp. 65-86. [IF 2017: 0.375; Scimago: Sociology and Political Science Q2 (2017)]

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  1. Roles and mission / Rôles et mission
  2. I hold a doctorate in sociology from the University of Montpellier in the Santésih research unit (UM_211) and am a member of the Institut Convergences Migrations (ICM). I was awarded 36-month doctoral grants from ANRS and 12 months from Sidaction.
  3. Member of the coordinating committees of the young researchers' networks: Santé & société (2021-2022), in the social sciences on HIV/AIDS since 2018, and in the humanities and social sciences on the body and physical activities since 2021.
  4. Doctoral student representative on doctoral school 60, UFR training and research council (CFR), 3SLF and RECAPPS institute
  5. Thématiques de recherche / Research topics

My doctoral research focuses on the intersecting migratory and sexual careers of men seeking asylum in France on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity. Analysis of retrospective accounts of life trajectories prior to arrival in France, and longitudinal monitoring of life contexts throughout the asylum application process, enable us to study the way in which HIV prevention services specifically aimed at this population are used. The aim is to place ourselves at the intersection between the operators of HIV prevention policies and the target population, and to navigate on either side of this boundary between institutional rationality and concrete life experiences.

At the same time, my involvement in other research projects with colleagues in the research unit or in networks of young researchers, has led me to study the way in which immediate life trajectories and contexts can influence the maintenance or abandonment of physical exercise among students during the Covid-19 period, or the level of burnout among doctoral students and young PhDs.

  • Mots clés / Keywords

HIV - Exiles - Sexuality - Health - Trajectories

  • Thématiques d'enseignement / Teaching topics

Areas of expertise :

  • Constructions of minority sexual or gender identities in the African context, exile trajectories and social dispositions, issues of LGBTI asylum seeking in France
  • Administration of the policy response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in France; Reception and control policy for asylum seekers in France.
  • Multi-sited ethnographic survey methods: sensitive fields, plurality of postures, survey relationships.

Courses taught :

- 2021-2022: Qualitative methods, TD (L2 level), Licence Sciences Sociales, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (26h)

- 2021-2022: Contemporary sociology, TD (L2 level), Licence sciences sociales, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (26h)

- 2022: What's at stake in reaching "key" populations in the fight against HIV, Université du tiers temps de Montpellier (1h)

- 2nd semester 2020-2021 : Dissertation jury, Master Migration Inter-Méditéranéennes (MIM) - University of Montpellier

- 2nd semester 2020-2021: Co-supervision of Master 2 theses with Stefania Bernini - M2 Migration Inter-Méditéranéennes (MIM) - Université de Montpellier 3

- Between LGBTI rights' recognition and anti-immigration discourses: Queer migration and asylum in Malta. Francesca Morassut

- LGBT+ asylum seeking: a reinterpretation of the life course. Antonio Montinaro

- 2020-2021: LGBTI Migrations & Health, CM (Level M2), Master Migration Inter-Méditerranéennes (MIM) - Université de Montpellier 3 (14h)

- 2019-2021 : Sociologie - Ethnologie, TD (L1 level), Licence sciences sociales, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (128h)

- 2019-2020: Quantitative methods, TD (L1 level), Licence droit, sciences politiques et sociales, Université Paris 13 Villetaneuse (45h)

- 2018-2019 : Sociologie des inégalités, TD (level L1), Licence sociologie, Université Paris 10 Nanterre (16h)

- 2018-2020: Introduction to public health, TD (L1 level), IRTS Montrouge and Neuilly-sur-Marne, Université Paris 13 (48h)

  • 5 principales publications / 5 main publications

- Bouchet-Mayer C. & Ferez S. (forthcoming - 2023), "Le poids des dispositions pour survivre et préparer les épreuves de l'asile. Enquête auprès des demandeurs d'asile homosexuels exclus du dispositif national d'accueil", Revue Européenne des migrations internationales, 1 (39).

- Bouchet-Mayer C. & Ferez S. (2022), "Devenir(s) homosexuel(s) et exil. Construction des dispositions sociales à la résistance et à la résignation à l'hétérosexisme en Afrique de l'Ouest", in de Lima Neto A. A., Perera E. & Freire Ferreira F. R. (dir.), Diversidade e educaçao: experiências de resistência e de criaçao, Editora da UFRN, Natal. pp. 259-292.

- Bouchet-Mayer C., Condamine-Ducreux I. and Sabadel T. (forthcoming - 2022). " De la contrainte par corps à l'incitation joyeuse? les métamorphoses récentes du gouvernement des conduites. Interview with Dominique Memmi", Terrains/Théories, 2 (12), 2022. [Online]

- Bouchet-Mayer C., Perera E. & Ferez S. (2022), "Maintaining, stopping or not initiating a sporting activity: a study of the impact of confinement on the physical practice of students in France", Pôle Sud - Covid-19 : L'apport des sciences sociales, 1 (56), pp. 31-42.

- Bouchet-Mayer C., Derigny T., Derumaux T., Gruas L., Perrier C. and Medareg-Narou F. (forthcoming - 2023), "Des jeunes chercheurs actifs-ve-s au risque de leur santé mentale", in Ferez S. and Terral P., Sciences humaines et sociales et sports. Enjeux, formes de mobilisation et structuration d'un domaine de recherche, Paris, Alliance Athéna.

6. Page de présentation personnelle / Personal presentation page (link to a personal page that you can update at your convenience)


E-mail: laura.silvestri(at)

Role and mission :

Doctorate in social anthropology and ethnology.

Participation in laboratory research programs:

  • Becoming an adult with a developmental anomaly (Devadulte-AD)
  • Measuring the quality of school and work environments for adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis (MQESP-Muco)
Research theme :
  • Construction and circulation of knowledge and representations about the body and health.
Key words :

Body practices, traditional medicines, chromosomal abnormalities, genetic diseases, disabilities.

Main products :
Publications :
  • "Between greetings and acts of worship: redefining interactions in a martial arts school in Kerala (India)", journal Transverse. Soin/santé, thematic volume Interactions et dynamiques des asymétries, edited by Géraldine Rix-Lièvre and Serge Thomazet, 2018, pp. 93-106.
  • "De la valeur heuristique du malentendu : retour sur un terrain au Kerala", Civilisations, Figures du malentendu, n. 65, 2017, pp. 107-126. Online : ; DOI : 10.4000/civilisations.4067
  • "Finding the right measure through the voice", Proceedings of the AFEA (Association Française des Ethnoloques et Anthropologues) 2015 Congress, Démesure, Toulouse, June 29-July 2, 2015. Online: https: //
  • "Science and Religion in Traditional Indian Medicine: The Laws of Nature and the Individual in Western Ayurvedic Practice," Quaderns-e. Revista de l'Institut català d'Antropologia, 19/1/2014 (first published 2008), pp. 235-248, online:
Communications :
  • With Yann Beldame: "The school and work experiences of young people with a rare chromosomal abnormality through their stories and those of their families", ALTER (European Society for Disability Research) Conference 2017, Disability, Recognition and "Living Together". Diversity of practices and pluralities of values, Lausanne, 6-7-July 2017.
  • With Yann Beldame: "Recueillir la parole de personnes mineures ou protégées en présence de difficultés d'expressions: quelques cas d'une enquête auprès de jeunes porteurs d'anomalies chromosomiques et de leurs parents", Study day Les enjeux méthodologiques de la collecte de la parole avec des personnes ayant des déficiences intellectuelles ou des troubles du comportement, Organized by the Santesih and Lirdef laboratories, University of Montpellier, December 15, 2017.
  • With the Devadulte-AD research collective: "Devenir adulte avec une anomalie du développement : exclusion et participation sociale (n.2)", Communication affichée au Congrès "Rare 2017", Fondation des Maladies Rares, Paris, November 20-21, 2017.
  • With the Devadulte-AD research collective: "Becoming an adult with a developmental anomaly: exclusion and social participation", Paper posted at the Colloque "Recherche en SHS dans les maladies rares", Paris, October 20, 2016.