
Cell phone +33 647 051 934

1. Roles and mission

Passionate about nature sports, I accompanied my clients in the mountains and managed tourism companies all over the world. Since 2012, I have been a professional coach, corporate consultant and associate professor at the UFR STAPS. I am in charge of the Master 2 in Sports Tourism Management.

2. Research topics

A member of the Santésih laboratory since 2012, I'm particularly interested in the accessibility of outdoor sports activities for people with disabilities. As such, I'm planning to write an action research thesis on the benefits of outdoor leisure activities for people with disabilities from 2024 onwards.

3. Keywords




Nature sports

PSH - People with disabilities

4. Teaching themes

My teaching combines managerial experience in sports tourism with theoretical concepts, using concrete examples and the latest market trends: Project management. Marketing strategy, service design & benchmarking. Management of sports tourism organizations. Professionalization coaching.

5. Your top 5 publications

- Foreword written in Les Tourisme Sportifs, edited by Thomas Riffaud, Nathalie Le Roux, Eric Perera - Elya éditions - November 2021

- Perera E., Thaler R. and Galy A. (2021) " Les valeurs écoresponsables des expéditions en fauteuil tout terrain, un moyen de renforcer la mise en scène de la différence handi-capable ", Revue STAPS, pp. 27-38

- Perera E., Villoing G. and Galy A. (2020) "L'inventivité des alpinistes en fauteuil tout terrain: l'usage de la technologie au service de l'autonomie et de la mise en scène de la différence handi-capable", Nature & Récréation magazine, pp.41-51.

- Management et marketing territorial des sports, part 8 written in " Le sport un secteur en voie d'adaptation et d'intégration ", Lapeyronie, B. et Roussel, A. (Dir). DS. de Bionnay Paris 2015, pp. 195 à 205

- Les bases de plein air et de loisirs, le juste équilibre entre loisir et tourisme, written in Revue Espace N°249, 2007 - pp. 36 to 40.

6. More detailed personal presentation page

Geneviève LE BIHAN


Status: Associate Professor PAST (part-time)

Specialty: Health education and promotion

Tel (professional): 04 11 75 90 95

E-mail: genevieve.le-bihan(at)

Role and mission :

Co-director of the Prevention, Health Education and Physical Activity Master's program (PESAP)

Main products :
  • Le Bihan G. Education nutritionnelle. In: Poulain JP (Dir). Dictionary of food cultures. PUF, 2012 : 430-6
  • Le Bihan G, Padilla M, Ruiz I, Comportements d'achats alimentaires en Languedoc-Roussillon. Baromètre santé nutrition 2008. ORS, Montpellier, 2010 : 12p
  • Le Bihan G, Cribaillet M. Barriers and drivers to the implementation of nutrition interventions among local decision-makers in the south of France. Annals of nutrition and metabolism, 2007;51(suppl 1):309-1
  • Le Bihan G, Delpeuch F. Assurer le droit à se nourrir pour tous. In: Ghersi G (Dir) Feed 9 milliards d'hommes. ADPF, Paris, 2005, 128-13
  • Le Bihan G., Delpeuch F., Maire B. Nutrition and public policy: proposals for a new approach to food issues. Cahier de propositions pour le 21ième siècle. Editions Charles Léopold Mayer, Paris, 2002 : 130 p
Teaching topics :
  • Health education and health promotion: concepts and project methodology
  • Nutritional policies
  • Precariousness and dietary and physical activity practices
Olivier OBIN

Qualifications: Doctor of Geography


Business telephone (lab)

Cell phone: 06 76 29 01 35

1. Roles and mission

Olivier OBIN is an associate lecturer at the University of Montpellier's UFR STAPS. He is involved in research into health and disability in nature sports. He is also involved in the research program " Voluntary geographic information and mountain use ", supported by Labex ITTEM.

2. Research topics

  •  Territorial development and nature sports
  • Health practices and nature sports for the disabled
  • Digitization of outdoor sports and leisure activities
  • Vulnerabilities and adaptation of nature sports and territories to climate change

3. Keywords

            5 key words

Nature sports, territory, digital, health, disability

4. Teaching themes

  • Territorial Public Service
  • Project management and engineering
  • Sociology and geography of sport
  • Sport and territorial governance

5. Your top 5 publications

  • - LESNE R., MAO P., LANGENBACH M., FRANCOIS H., ROBINET N., REYNIER V. and OBIN O. " Le numérique dans les loisirs sportifs de nature : une catégorisation des formes d'utilisation des outils connectés ", Sciences sociales & sport, forthcoming.
  • CLIVAZ C., LANGENBACH M., OBIN O., SAVIOZ A. " Associer les acteurs de terrain à l'observation de la fréquentation et des pratiques récréatives en montagne : enseignements à partir de deux projets collaboratifs en France et en Suisse ", Revue de Géographie Alpine October 2021 (109-2).
  • MAO P. & OBIN O. " La transition numérique des sports de nature, vers des sports nature 3.1 " Nature et Récréation N°6, December 2018. Link: Transition numérique des sports nature
  • OBIN O. (2014), " Les processus de construction sociale du droit - L'exemple de la gestion de l'escalade au Cirque des Baumes ", REMS, Revue européenne de management du sport n° 42, pp. 52-60, August 2014.
  • OBIN O., CORNELOUP J. (2011), " Fabrique territoriale d'un évènementiel en sport nature ", Gestion 2000 N°3/2011, May - June 2011

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